Saturday, August 31, 2019

Life-Based Leadership Principles from Jack Welch Essay

During the hundreds of millions of years of natural evolution on this planet, survival has always been a continuous challenge for living creatures. It has recently to come into light that in the past four million years, there have been scores of human species on the earth, besides us homo sapiens. However, all of these various human-like beings including the Neanderthal man perished in the course of evolution; we humans have outlived all of them. We have emerged as the true survivors. We are the last â€Å"man† standing. However, in the whole history of the world, survival could have never been as tough as it is in today’s world of big business. It is an ever-changing, dizzingly fast-paced, intensely competitive and danger-saturated environment out there. There are many survivors and many winners in this arena, of course. Of all such exceptional people in the recent decades, there is one man who stands out as a celebrated icon of leadership and business success. And it is none other than Jack Welch of GE, arguably the finest CEO in the latter half of the twentieth century. Speaking from a broad perspective, he is not just an exemplary business leader, but a hero, a survivor, a symbol of the triumph of man. Jack Welch is a man who believed that each individual should control his or her own destiny. Welch sums up his conviction thus: â€Å"†Today, I see winning as people defining their objectives and fulfilling them, not being a victim. You define where you want to go, and then you go for it† (Knowledge@Wharton) And from the depth of this belief perhaps sprang the secret of his greatness. Starting from the early Eighties, Jack Welch, CEO of the General Electric Corporation, has led his company through one of the most revolutionary and far-reaching changes ever witnessed in modern business history. Having taken GE with a market capitalization of about $12 billion, Jack Welch turned it into one of the largest and most admired companies in the world, with a market value of about $500 billion, when he stepped down as its CEO 20 years later, in 2000. Although Jack Welch was the legendary leader of a global manufacturing giant noted for its technological might and superiority, he has utilized a very human process to drive change through GE’s vast organization. He honoured the individual above all, and the humanity of the individual. To him, the individual was the pivotal force in bringing about organizational change. And for the major part of his immensely successful career at the helm of GE he relentlessly embraced change. It was change that made GE businesses leaders in their markets, added profitable, productive businesses to GE’s family, and tapped the brains of knowledgeable employees. Welch worked for change, and change worked for him. Jack Welch of course knew how difficult change could be. Nevertheless he viewed change as his only real chance to transform GE into the kind of top-notch competitive enterprise that he wanted it to be. Only through continuously undergoing massive changes, GE could win, and Jack Welch firmly believed in winning. He wanted to be a winner. And winners were not afraid to make changes. However, pursuit of change, empowerment of individuals, and such principles are only part of a broder human-centric principles of successful leadership in which Jack Welch passionately believed in. Welch’s original approach to management and leadership, which proved so successful in transforming GE could be summed up unders six heads: Control your destiny, or someone else will. Welch’s first maxim became the title of a semi-autobiographic bestseller that described the revolution at GE. The basic approach that Welch followed to carry out a dramatic revolution at GE was to trust the individual and let him or her believe in their own desitiny. Welsh believed in delegating authority freely, fairly and responsibly, within the company. In a general context, however, while no mere human being can have absolute control over his or her destiny, the point is to take total personal responsibility for one’s own life and actions, and assume intelligent control of the course of things. 2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it were. Facing reality is tough. Facing reality means looking directly into suffering, failure, inadequacy of ourselves, others, and the world, something which we human beings are programmed to avoid. When corporations do not face simple realities, however, such as their products costing more to produce and being worthless than those of their competitors, market share and profits drop, the company and its employees suffer. Welch saw all these things happening at GE. Only when we are ready to honestly examine ourselves and acknowledge our shortcomings, will we be able to do anything about them. Acceptance can lead to transformation. 3. Be candid with everyone. Traditional wisdom says that honesty is the best policy. This home-spun truth has great relevance in today’s hyper-modern corporate settings. Welch strove to create an atmosphere at GE where people could effortlessly speak up to somebody â€Å"in authority,† who could then do something about their problems. It is an atmosphere, it is in the air of GE. Welch himself regularly spoke with front-line employees on the plant floor. Welch was equally open to hear both the good and bad things about GE. Honesty, sincerity and candor: they have their own rewards. â€Å"In a bureaucracy, people are afraid to speak out. This type of environment slows you down, and it doesn’t improve the workplace,† says Jack Welch. He therefore calls for promoting a corporate culture that appreciates and rewards honest feedback. â€Å"You reinforce the behaviors that you reward. If you reward candor, you’ll get it. † 4. Don’t manage, lead. Welch abhorred a strictly hierarchical type of management built on the concept of control. To Welch, managers should become leaders who show the way to other people by inpsiring and motivating them. Instead of controlling and exploiting workers, leaders should liberate and empower them. Do not push and pull your employees at every opportunity, gently guide them towards greater possibility. Welch’s leadership philosophy continues to be very simple: empower others, ask questions, tap into the potential of all of your associates, choose integrity and candor over charts, graphs, and politics, and spend more time in action instead of planning and posturing budgets. 5. Change before you have to. That is to say, proactivity. One has to be able to look ahead and predict changes that future is going to necessitate. In the context of a business organization, it is far better to change early those things in a company that need to be changed to stay competitive, when there is still plenty of time, rather than forcibly having to change them later when an adverse reality in form of failure and loss thrusts itself in the face of the organization. Welch was fond of yelling across the table at meetings, â€Å"Change, before it’s too late! † 6. If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete. Welch often quoted his business maxim that every division at GE had to be â€Å"number one or number two† or get out of that specific business. In the 1980s, Welch was convinced that inflation would soon become rampant thereby slowing down economic growth. The elimination of the old-line businesses was not going to be an easy job in terms of loss of jobs and lowering of morale that it implied. But Welch had to do what he had to do. The â€Å"Number 1 or number 2† philosophy – as ruthless as it sounds – had been critical for GE to grow and survive in the modern world.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Language Anxiety Essay

Learning and teaching a language can be considered by many as a very challenging and demanding task due to what the process itself implies. Could you imagine how each language learner feels when he/ she is asked to perform an activity or just to speak in front of the class? Some of them will feel very comfortable but what about those whose hearts often pound really hard, break out in a cold sweat and find it difficult to catch their breath. The disorders introduced previously corresponds to what a considerable quantity of foreign language learners face whenever they are asked to do something in the classroom known as: Anxiety, a term linked to an unpleasant feeling but which can also be helpful when learning a language. To begin with, anxiety in the language learning is considered as one of the most important affective factors, which has been studied since the 1970s. It is important to know what anxiety is, in general terms anxiety is a psychological construct that is described as a state of apprehension, a vague fear that is only indirectly associated with an object (Hilgard, Atkinson, & Atkinson, 1971). It can also be defined as a subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry associated with an arousal of the automatic nervous system (McIntyre & Gardner, 1994) or in simple words it is described as a feeling of nervousness or worry. But making a relationship between language and anxiety it is found that according to what McIntyre (1999) stated, language anxiety is the worry and negative emotional reaction aroused when learning a second language. Secondly, anxiety has been found to be a negative feeling but helpful in some ways when learning a language. According to Hortwitz (1986) facilitating or helpful anxiety motivates learners to fight the new learning task, making them to expend extra efforts to overcome their feelings of anxiety. This type of positive anxiety is necessary since students who are not anxious under any condition will feel too relax and they will not even care about their learning process which will cause them to fail at learning a language. F or example, a student who feels anxious but he uses it positively as a way to motivate him to pass the course and learn the target language successfully will obtain excellent results. However, there is a probable risk that is helpful anxiety can easily become harmful anxiety. It is claimed that one third of students learning a foreign language experience some kind of anxiety (Horwitz, et al., 1986). Students facing anxiety is a real and common phenomenon that takes place in the classroom which is normal and helpful at some point but when the level of anxiety starts increasing without any control it will be very harmful so that students should be very careful and recognize the anxiety and do something positive about it before they react to this negative anxiety in a very negative way. What is more, according to some experts as the one mentioned previously Horwitz stated that helpful anxiety occurs only in the accomplishment of simple learning tasks, but not with more complicated learning such as language learning. Lastly, the type of anxiety is an issue that should be identified in the classroom and overcome possible difficulties related to it. Teachers can identify anxiety due to the fact that most of the time when anxiety takes place there are very observable evidence such as physical symptoms, general avoidance or physical actions but what sometimes is difficult for educators is to tackle in the language learning. Some suggestions have been made for teacher to overcome anxiety such as being supportive, encouraging students to relax through music or games, using fair tests, providing meaningful activities, giving meaningful rewards, being clear about classroom goals, helping students to assess their performance, encouraging risk taking and creating a comfortable environment among others. To conclude, it must be said that learning a language implies many affective factors but anxiety is one of the most relevant and an inevitable feeling among second language learners. The matter is Do my students know how to identify anxiety symptoms and do something positive about it? What is more Do I know what to do to diminish language anxiety? When learning a language the answers to these questions can be the difference. To ignore language anxiety within a classroom is not the solution; it will just drive to failure. References Hilgard, E. R., Atkinson, R. C., & Atkinson, R. L. (1971). Introduction to psychology (5thed.). New York: Harcourt. Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. Modern Language Journal, 70(1), 125-132. MacIntyre, P. D., & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44, 283-305. Robertson, P & Adamson, J (2011). Language Learning Strategies, Beliefs, and Anxiety in Academic Speaking Task. The Philippine ESL Journal, (7), 95-100. Retrieved from

Christianity Essay

Followers of Jesus, a Jewish man, started a new religion, Christianity. Christianity started to grow during the Pax Romana, a period of peace in Rome. The Pax Romana lasted from 27 B. C. E to 180 C. E. and during it government improved, literature prospered, engineering improved, and laws formed. The peace during the Pax Romana provided a time for Christianity to rise. Christianity spread rapidly and successfully in the 1st through 3rd centuries because it appealed to many people, missionaries could easily travel and spread the message, and because of the events taking place in Rome. The Christian message, a universal message, appealed to many people. In the Sermon on the Mount, the only full sermon existing from Jesus, a section called â€Å"The Beatitudes† lists all of the blessed people. Jesus blessed the oppressed, the hungry, the merciful, the peacemakers, and the pure in heart in his sermon. The Christian message of hope appealed to those out of power and suffering under the rule of the Roman authority, because the Christian message gave people hope and a thought of salvation. The Sermon on the Mount, given by Jesus, encompasses the Christian message of hope. In addition because of the simplicity and directness of the Christian message, people could easily catch on to the message. In addition to those suppressed by the Roman government, Christianity also appealed to gentiles, non-Jews. Paul, a missionary, preached Christianity to the gentiles and compromised with them. Originally following the strict rules such as circumcision and eating Kosher showed to be a roadblock to the gentiles. Paul and Peter argued over whether or not the gentiles should have to follow these rules, and Paul won, so the gentiles that converted to Christianity did not have to adhere to any rules of dress, eating Kosher, or being circumcised. This allowed for Christianity to appeal to the gentiles. Christianity also appealed to widows. In Roman Civilization those that had been widowed had a low place in the social hierarchy and people looked down on them. However, in Christianity widows were honored and called brides of Christ. The charity work that the Christians did also made Christianity an appealing religion. Christians set up hospitals for the poor and homeless. Hospitals gave the homeless a place to become comfortable before they died. In addition to the charity work that Christians did, Christianity emphasized peace, love, and brotherhood, which appealed to some. In the 1st-3rd centuries C. E. the message of Christianity could also be spread quite easily throughout the Roman Empire. The 200,000 miles of roads built in Rome helped Christianity spread throughout the entire empire. The roads allowed for missionaries to travel throughout the empire easily so that they could spread and preach Christianity. The Pax Romana, a period of peace, also allowed for the roads to be safe for the missionaries to travel and spread the word without the fear of being attacked. The many different cities helped spread Christianity rapidly because of the great amount of people in a small area. In addition Christianity could catch on faster and reach more people. Missionaries also had an easy time getting across the message because of the use of only two languages. In the eastern half of the Roman Empire the people mainly spoke koine Greek, and in the western portion of the Roman Empire the people mostly spoke Latin. Because no language barrier existed, missionaries could spread Christianity with fewer difficulties. The events taking place in Rome helped the Christian message to spread rapidly and successfully. The old Roman religions started losing their vitality setting the stage for new beliefs and giving way to the rise of Christianity. Unlike other cults, like the cult of Isis or Mithras, Christianity was freer and adaptable. The loosely organized internal structure of Christianity allowed for Christianity to adapt to people. The persecution of Christians led to the organization of Christian ideas and thoughts. The persecution of the first Christians led to the idea that the ideas of Christianity should be written down and organized. The two groups of Christians, the Apostolics and the Gnostics, had similar but different views on Christianity. Irenaeus, an Apostolic Christian, wrote the first book of the Christian Church titled Against the Heresies. Irenaeus thought that the Gnostics did not represent the true teachings of Jesus, and that the Apostolic Christians represented the teachings of Jesus more than the Gnostics. The Apostolic view of Christianity became the mainstream Christian view and people recorded the Apostolic ideas in the Bible. The persecution on Christians led to the spread of the message of what the Christians died for. Christianity spread due to many factors including roads, missionaries, and the honoring of widows. The timing of the rise of Christianity helped Christianity spread and rise rapidly and successfully. The period of peace in Rome, the Pax Romana, helped Christianity flourish. Christianity at this time grew as older Roman religions started to decline, missionaries preached Christianity to many people, and the Christian message of hope gave hope to those who needed it. These factors along with the rise of Christianity during the Pax Romana helped Christianity spread and continue throughout the Byzantine Empire and beyond.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago Assignment

Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago - Assignment Example Sara, and Li, Hu, which is titled â€Å"Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago† and published in Advances in anthropology 1.2 (2011): 19-25. The article explores the origin and diversification of East Asian populations, specifically the Japanese people. The origin of the current population on the island of Japan remains unclear to date (Ding et al. 1). According to archeological evidence, â€Å"there might have been two waves of migration to the Japanese archipelago in prehistory: the Paleolithic and Neolithic Jomonese and the Aeneolithic Yayoiese† (Ding et al. 1). However, Ding et al. affirm that the contributions of these two groups to the â€Å"contemporary Japanese population remain unclear† (1). Ding et al.’s work anticipates providing evidence from human genetics as a new approach to addressing this topic. Ding et al.’s research specifically examines the Japanese human population, a key contributor to East Asian population s. The migration of the Japanese population to their present island remains debatable, a feature that inspired Ding et al. to carry out this research. The investigation carried out by Ding et al. anticipates shading more light on the origin of the Japanese population. Japan forms a substantial proportion of the East Asian population. Controversy still rages as to how the Japan population arose. Two major waves of migration to the Japanese archipelago in prehistory have been proposed. Despite the fact that other theories exist, this research focused on the two major ones. â€Å"The first wave of migration began 50,000 years BP and reached a climax about 10,000 years BP, giving rise to the Jomonese culture† (qtd. in Hisao et al., 1998 ). Considered as the most recent, â€Å"a second wave of migration traveled to the Japanese archipelago at 23,000 years BP, giving rise to the Yayoi culture† (Ding et al. 1). According to fossil records and human remains, the Yayoiese appar ently dominated the Japanese archipelago finalizing their expansion at about 300AD (qtd. in Chard, 1974). However, â€Å"the evidence from cranial morphology does not support a complete replacement of the Jomonese by the Yayoiese† (qtd. in Hanihara, 1984). Several theories explaining the origin and diversification of the Japanese exist (qtd. in Mizoguchi, 1986). The research done by Ding et al. used DNA and Y chromosome analyses to conclude the origin of contemporary Japanese from both maternal and paternal lineages. Molecular anthropological evidence seems more reliable when compared to historical, archeological or osteological studies, since the genetic material used in molecular anthropology tends to be continuous and maintains its integrity as its passed on from generation to generation (Ding et al.1). Historical, archeological or osteological studies are unreliable. When compared to other materials used in molecular anthropology studies, â€Å"Y chromosome and mtDNA pro ve to be the most powerful because of their abundance and ease of extraction† (qtd. in Zhang et al., 2007). By combining Y chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) and Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) information, none recombining region of Y chromosome (NRY) can be used to reveal the population migration and expansion history of modern human (Ding et al. 20). Studies have also shown that mtDNA has a maternal inheritance protocol and the population genetic characteristics of mtDNA resemble the NRY (Ding et al. 20). The investigation carried out by Ding et al. seems to present new data which support an existing theory. The research also re-analyzes existing data. The key objective aimed at illustrating the origin of the East Asian populations and specifically the Japanese people, using

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Moto Car Manufacturers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9500 words

Moto Car Manufacturers - Essay Example Moto a renowned car manufacturing company aims at improving the overall performance by the inclusion of knowledge management systems. This paper aims at developing a knowledge management strategy for the company. The paper will firstly provide an overview of the company, which will permit a thorough understanding of the company, based on which the strategy will be created. This will be followed by an explanation of the research methodology that has been used for this research. The paper will also detail the limitations of the research and how these limitations have been overcome as well. Furthermore, the paper will deal with the findings of the research in terms of the company and the industry that it deals within. A literature review of the main topic of focus, i.e. knowledge management will be discussed further. Based on this and the research that has been conducted a set of recommendations have been drawn out for Moto car manufacturers. Â  The company in focus here is MOTO. MOTO is a China-based major car manufacturer. The headquarters and the production facilities of the company are based out of China. The company also has its assembly plants in China, Australia, America, and Scotland. The company deals with the production of five models of cars. The models that the company deals with the area) small compact vehicle, b) medium-sized saloon, c) large saloon, d) multi-purpose vehicle, and e) large Off Road 4x4/SUV. Â  Moto has been in the industry for over thirty-five years and has been able to create a goodwill and good reputation among the customers. The company is known for the excellent employment conditions that it provides, along with the low staff turnover that the company has in the assembly plants. The company has a number of policies which it follows for the contribution to the local community.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International Security in an Era of Globalization Essay

International Security in an Era of Globalization - Essay Example A critique of women’s engagement in international security has often put international security as a man’s domain. Laura Sjoberg in her book, Gender and International Security, published in 2010 looks at international security from the perspective of gender and demonstrates the critical role played by them in the global crisis pertaining to security (p. 2). An important consideration presented in the book, relating to war and military, explains that in democratic governments, the citizens have the power to control the military. It goes on to explain how civilians may not claim innocence at times of war because deliberately avoiding or ignoring facts do not make them innocent (Sjoberg 2010, p. 17). And this goes for all civilians and non-combatants including women. Democracy implies power to the people therefore while war times require certain operational secrecy, it is unhealthy to keep the citizens uninformed about important developments, an act which goes against the purpose of democracy. In most occasions, the military kills because they are present for the security of the common masses. Sjoberg proposes the idea of civilian army which is represented by the civilian population including women and other eligible candidates however she also points out how many eligible candidates find a way to get away from giving service. The most ov er-represented female population is the African American one which comprises about forty percent of the US Army’s enlisted women. Wars have indeed been an important security issue for the past few decades and terrorism has emerged as a political catchphrase used to justify preemption (Sjoberg 2010, p. 20). In order to understand terrorism, it is important to consider that it is not a new phenomenon and is common in various countries including Ireland, England, Philippines, and so on. Moreover, the random killing of civilians in wars is no more horrendous an act than terrorism. In fact, both may involve the killing of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Iphone Sales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Iphone Sales - Essay Example Based on the statistics it can be reflected that iPhone in the last 4 year has reached to the historical peak, with more than 100% year-on-year growth in the every quarter. Moreover, in the first and second quarter, iPhone sales grew between 20% and 45% respectively in the market UBS's i.e. the well known foreign investment bank highlighted the fact that in the September quarter of 2015, the sales figure of iPhone is expected to reach 49 million. This suggests optimistic growth prospects of the iPhone sales on the basis of ‘iPhone Monitoring Modeling’, which mainly inferred from the search of iPhone in the worldwide network. Over the past four years, the growth in the iPhone was recognized to be around 73%, 20%, 13% and 35% respectively. Moreover, it has been affirmed that in the upcoming year the sale of iPhone is expected to rise due to high response and attractiveness of iPhone 6s among the customers. In this regard, it has been highlighted that there are still 73% of iPhone users willing to upgrade the configuration with big size screen of the iPhone 6 and iPhone Plus, so the new generation sales of the same period continue to grow more. In fiscal 2016, it is expected that iPhone sales would increase by 6% to 245 million units. Apple continues to benefit from China's growth, according to the data provided and during the second quarter, the iPhone's search volume rose 100% year-on-year. Apple is a successful case in China, besides consumers are willing to upgrade the iPhone with higher prices.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How to solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care Essay

How to solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care - Essay Example As far as the issue of measuring the cost of healthcare is concerned, the position taken by Kaplan and Porter will be agreed with since knowledge of the cost makes it possible to determine whether a person is getting value for money from healthcare expenditure (Harris & Lenox, 2013). In its current form, the United States healthcare system can be said to be suffering from a cost crisis that consists of both a system that is wrongly measured and one that is overly burdened on service users. In the opinion of Moran (2013) however, the best way to tackle the issue of cost crisis is to approach it from a more systematic perspective where the real quantum of cost put into the system can be found. From this position, the argument of Kaplan and Porter on the need for healthcare cost to experience cost reduction interventions will be agreed with. But as the authors themselves noted, it will be more important to know the real value of cost involved in healthcare delivery. This is because any form of rush to drastically reducing cost in the system may only be a way the whole country may be digging its own whole towards the reception of a ill-funded and thus a poor healthcare system (Ginter, Duncan and Swayne,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Interview Reflection Worksheet Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interview Reflection Worksheet - Coursework Example My weak point is in competence that majorly rises from my inability to make some decisions under pressure effectively. Competence will improve when I gain the necessary work experience and gain more knowledge in my area of operation. The assessment of people to some extent showed me the various points of weakness. I realised that I need to improve on competence and efficiency in decision-making. The alignment of people’s perception and mine shown that i am ethical similar to my personal assessment. My surprise was the knowledge of other people that i am incompetent due to the minimal experience I possess. It was not easy to stay open minded and non-defensive during the interview. The questions were touching on my personality and i felt like faking and lying about some aspects of the issues under discussion. I achieved this by trying to be ethical and comprehensively cooperative. I am being perceived this way because am truthful to my acts. My partner was ethical and tried to corner my answers but due to professionalism and adhering to the set standards, he got the right information that provided the right illustration of my characters. However, the results were not as per my expectations but they are a true reflection of my

Friday, August 23, 2019

GOAL STATEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GOAL STATEMENT - Essay Example In a country where there is just one doctor for every 10,000 people, there is an urgent need for trained professionals to help not only those who are sick, but also to advise and counsel the people on preventive measures to remain healthy. Uganda’s government today is facing the problems of giving adequate healthcare to a population whose growth is exploding. The need for health care professionals therefore is urgent. Having grown up in surroundings such as these, and watching members of my family, most of whom are in the medical field, give their best to the health problems of the community; the medical field was what I always thought of as my ultimate goal in life. A good nurse brings to his/her work the important qualities of kindness, compassion, patience and above all diligence and dedication. These are qualities that I have grown up with and fortunately imbibed to a great extent. Nursing professionals at every level are a boon to society. Patients come to the healer in a state of acute mental and physical distress. A sympathetic ear and kind reassurance helps allay fears and generate confidence in the patient. Effective communication is the key to helping patients help themselves. Nowhere is this more evident than in communities that are poor and illiterate. The essence of the nursing profession lies in these qualities that are ingrained into a nurse during education at every level. Besides delivering good and cost effective health care, the nursing professional must also be capable of focusing on prevention rather than on cure. Understanding advances in technology and using this knowledge to educate communities on ways to lead healthier lives is an important aspect of the entire nursing profession. I hope to learn and practice all of this while I graduate in nursing. My goal in seeking to graduate in this profession is to be able to deliver not just healing but also preventive care that is the essence of a good medical practitioner. I hope to lear n highly sophisticated communication and observational skills, to succeed in interviewing the patient to assess his/her previous health history, risk factors and identify symptoms of disease that even the patient may not be unaware of, before it gets out of hand. While I graduate, I would be gaining new knowledge through research which is something I could not hope to have easy access to in my own country. I am certain that all this will help me in my goal of relieving the sufferings of my fellow countrymen. Since my childhood, I have been motivated to do something for my fellow Ugandans. While I was growing up, there was a great deal of urbanization going on in Uganda. This spurt of growth in urban areas swayed me from my original goal and motivated me to choose to be an engineer in the urban planning department. In Uganda opportunities for learning are not easy to come by, and I worked hard at my studies in order to be able to qualify for admission to Makerere University in Uganda as a student of Urban Planning. At the time, I saw the problem of an exploding population as one that could be solved by planned townships where people could live decently, and could get work so as to earn a decent living. After graduating I worked for a number of years as an urban planning engineer. At first, I was very happy as I saw myself as the architect of new projects, better roads and modern townships with all the amenities that were available

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Research report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 4

Report - Research Paper Example These attempts of ennrching customer insights are highly different across different stores throughout the world (Marks & Spencer plc, 2015). Contextually, the current research demands for a study of customer insights into an organisation, where M&S has been proposed. The reason behind selecting M&S as the organisation for the study is the sector which it belongs to, i.e. retailing. The research of the retail sector would provide superior outcomes to the study, as a wide variety of customers arrive at retail outlets. The retail sector also has a higher number of consumers as compared to any other industry throughout the world. Moreover, it is notable that the consumers spend a significant proportion of time in retail outlets as compared to other outlets. Thus, it is important from the perspective of a researcher to select retail outlets for understanding consumer insights to a large extent (Marks and Spencer plc, 2015). The prime aim of the proposed research is to understand consumer insights in M&S. In this regard, for attaining the aim of the research, it is essential to draw some of the research objectives for the study. The research objectives are listed underneath. For the effective completion of the study, it is important to set some of the research questions. In this regard, it is highly important that the research questions are relevant to the objectives and aim of the study. These research questions are listed underneath. The proposed study involves a unique and decisive research plan, which would significantly support the overall development of the study and the effective completion of the same. In this regard, the correlation between the different variables would be executed (Baker, 2004). In this regard, the variables are selected based on the research questions of the study, which are listed above. Moreover, it is notable that the correlation process would be

Rhetorical Analysis on An Elementary School in Slum Essay Example for Free

Rhetorical Analysis on An Elementary School in Slum Essay The poem â€Å"An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum† by Stephen Spender, begins with a stanza depicting the worrying condition of the students in elementary school. As the poem extends further, Spender points out the corruptions in the Government and accuses it for paying little attention to children’s education and health conditions. He argues that the children should break through the confinement of slum, and embrace the beauty of nature. In the slum, Children do not have pleasant moments; they are far away from the â€Å"gusty waves†, and far away from the fields and playgrounds that supposed to accompany them along their childhood memories. They also do not have healthy bodies. A simile compares their hair to â€Å"rootles weed†, which shows that the children are severely malnourished, and are not taken care of. The boy is â€Å"paper-seeming†, and â€Å"of twisted bones†. The â€Å"tall girl with her weighed-down head† implies the fact that she might be looked down by others, and she is physiologically and psychologically fatigue. However, there is â€Å"one unnoted, sweet and young† kid, at the back of the classroom, whose â€Å"eyes live in a dream, of squirrel’s game. † We can see a glimmer of hope from this sweet kid, however, we are not sure if he is simply lost in the â€Å"squirrel’s game†. The school is poorly equipped with donations such as Shakespeare’s portrait that decorates on the â€Å"sour cream walls. † The picture of â€Å"cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities† is in sharp contrast to the dusty sky and shabby building of elementary school in reality. The kids’ future is painted with a fog under a â€Å"lead sky. † The depiction of turbid sky created an atmosphere of despair and hopelessness. Not only the children’s future is foggy and blurred, but also their lives are monotonous and insipid, â€Å"far far from rivers, capes, and the stars of words. The children are confined to the school in slum as well as their imagination. William Shakespeare, the greatest playwright and poet in English language, is â€Å"wicked† to them, because they cannot appreciate the splendidness of language. And â€Å"the map is a bad example, with ships and sun and love tempting them to steal. † The map gives chil dren the taste of charming nature; however, instead of igniting the light of hope, it falsely tempts the children to acquire their goals even at the cost of stealing. They live in â€Å"cramped holes†, a limited and narrow space, with â€Å"slag heap† all around them. Their study environment and living conditions are horrible, that they cannot maintain healthy body, let alone receiving appropriate education. Their future is like â€Å"mended glass,† foggy and blurred, full of despair. The school only operates when â€Å"governor, teacher, inspector, visitor† come to observe, so it does not provide serious teaching. Consequently, â€Å"this map becomes their window and these windows that shut upon their lives like catacombs. † The slum limits the students’ horizon, like catacombs, and the maps are the only way for them to see the world outside. They live in a dream that can never come true as long as they are still in the slum. At last, the poet envisions the students break through the confinement of slum, and finally they can embrace the beautiful nature, that was once on the map but far away from them. Spender harshly criticizes the government’s nonchalance towards the poverty-stricken children, and he appeals to all the people to pay more attention to the children and help ameliorate their education and health conditions. So that they can â€Å"show the children green fields and make their world run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues run naked into books. †

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Environment Of Kamat Hotels

Environment Of Kamat Hotels Kamat hotels are a new chain of luxury business hotel in India promoted by KHIL (kamat hotel India ltd). Kamat hotel began as a single landmark namely VITS Mumbai, located near Mumbai international airport, but is now recognized all over the India as the symbol of true Indian hospitality. KHIL is a pan-India network of hotels that offers business and leisure travelers a hotel designed for the modern nomad. The hotel promises a whole new experience of tranquility and total wellness proposal. Called the jiva spa, it is a unique concept, based on a mixture of heritage, wisdom and the Indian philosophy of wellness and well being. All hotels built with similar infrastructure are four star hotels which consist of 200 rooms and aims to give prospective customers, a total experience of hospitality. Each hotel has a six banquet halls, a conference hall and fitness clubs complete with sauna and steam bath are open in the lobby area. KHIL is well known for being environmental friendly. It has won many awards like environmental champion, global ecotel, regional direct tourism award and pata (pacific Asia travel association awards), hotel and catering international management associations (HCIMA) best environmental policy 2000, India chapter environmental award for 2001 on the hotel excellence category. In 2009, VITS achieved excellent profitability based on the trend of rising demand for suitable accommodation in the city of Mumbai. Based on its early success, KHIL has expanded heavily in India, opening new branches in more states like Ahmadabad, Aurangabad, Baroda, Gujarat, Hubli, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Nasik, Pune, Sholapur, Surat and it is expected to add twenty more branches in the next five years. With the rapid expansion of Indian economy, budget and mid market hotel segments are fast expanding as more business people travel and look for short pleasant stays. The group also introduced tours and travels in 2010 and was engaged in marketing of destination and package tours. KHIL along with its flagship hotel, VITS are well positioned to meet the increase in travel activities and is set to benefit fully of this market expansion. The restaurants, known for their top quality food, attract high number of middle class families for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However limited capacity of its butchery and bakery cause delays in periods of high customer turnout and often leads to customer complaints KHIL group employees are gentle, skillful, and knowledgeable and are given certificates of honesty which keeps them motivated and loyal. But Management at VITS has been very poor at embracing Technology to help them in their daily task or for the benefit of their customers. There is no Wi-Fi installed on the premises, and internet connections are slow. Management have not upgraded their software but have stuck to their PMS i.e. (property management system) while their competitors are already using Opera or Fidelo, softwares which are faster in performance and standards. Using the stakeholder model, this paper will assess the strengths and weaknesses of VITS and then analyses its external environments using Porters 5 forces model and PESTEL. This will give us a proper indication of the hotels position and will conclude by coming up with workable proposals for VITS. 2.0 Analysis of the internal environment 2.1 Stakeholder model 2.1 Stakeholder An individual, group or business with a keen interest may be positive or negative in an organization success are known as stakeholder. They are concerned with an organization to deliver an intend result and also to meet its financial objectives generally stakeholders are of two types they are internal within the organization and external outside the organization. Stakeholders are shareholders, employee, suppliers, customer, financial institution, government and society. A stakeholder is usually stands to gain or lose depending on the decision taken or policies implemented. 2.1.1 Importance of stakeholder Stakeholders are very important persons who in fact control the organization and the success of the organization lies in their hands. The participation of stakeholders in an organization is from the beginning of the organization. Stakeholder analysis is a technique which is generally used by an organization to identify the importance of key people, groups of people or stakeholders which influence the success of an organization. It is an important process because if we find the needs and interest of stakeholder than it become easier for an organization to achieve its goals. This can be done by an individual or by a team. The analysis helps us to determine the influence and power that each stakeholder has. If we know the most powerful stakeholder than it is easy for an organization to gain support in order to gain success. We can implement stakeholder to an organization in three steps they are {1} identifying the stakeholders, {2} prioritizing the stakeholder and {3} understanding impo rtant stakeholder opinion and interest. 2.1.2 Shareholders KHIL hotels formally reports to their shareholders twice a year when it releases its results. This comes amidst great media and specialized press speculation as KHIL is known to be a star performer. Shareholders have over the past 5 years, constantly been rewarded with dividends to the tune of 21% per annum after tax every single year. They generally hold meetings with their shareholders and stakeholders to keep them informed about the progress of business and future plans for the group. 2.1.3 Employees KHIL hotels places great importance on communication about its business and performance to their employees. They follow a program of effective staff training to understand the purpose and goals of hotel management strategies and deliver on the organizations sustainability objectives. 2.1.4 Suppliers KHIL supports local suppliers and promotes responsible business practice. Given the strength of their bargaining power they can source produce at a very competitive price which helps them on profitability. Supporting local suppliers wherever they are also helps them to build good relations with the community whom they support. Suppliers are very supportive of KHIL and have been working with them ever since they started business. KHIL welcomes feedback from their suppliers which helps them to better understand how they are performing against their peers and they get a clearer picture of risk. 2.1.5 Customers KHIL has mastered guest relationship through constant interaction and feedback from them. They offer top quality service which is known and appreciated by customers. This is what has built the KHIL brand as they are known for the unique experience they offer customers. KHIL charges them a slightly premium price but which customers do not complain about as they feel pampered. Customer feedback lies at the center of their strategy. Customers recommend the hotel to their friends and word of mouth spreads. Feedback and adaptation to customer requirements have kept them ahead of competition and rising up to end increasing guest demands. They have mastered the art of proactively engaging with their guests to understand and anticipate their requirements. 2.1.6 Financial institution KHIL works and is supported by the biggest and the best financial institutions like the State Bank of India, Baroda Bank, ICICI, and private investment funds. Gathering funds for expansion and development is not a problem because of the support as KHIL has always lived up to expectations of financial institutions and has never defaulted. 2.1.7 Government KHIL relies on both central and local government provisions. Statutory and regulatory sanctions of authorities are required for approval of restaurant and bar licenses. As such it is in its best interest to stay within the legal provisions. Both central and local governments are very supportive of KHILs investments as it creates wealth, jobs and supports to local communities. KHIL is a major benefactor of governments incentive schemes and low interest investment funds and this helps to expansion. KHIL does not fail on taxes, levies, duties, company or municipal taxes. KHIL has provided for Rs 1, 63,17,4381/ for the current financial year for different taxes and no dues are pending. 2.1.8 Society KHIL, since the very beginning is a major supporter of social development. This is a reason why communities welcome its developments. The group supports sustainable livelihood as an underlying principle of their social initiatives. In order to improve the quality of life of villagers who live around the hotel KHIL helps them by providing solar lighting, health, hygiene and nutritional support for children and women, drinking water facilities and educational support. They provide hotel related artisan jobs for them like making candles, dusters, staff snacks and stationery. 3.0 Analysis of the specific external environment I will use Porters five forces to analyze KHILs specific external environment. 3.1 Barriers of entry Barriers of entry in the hotel industry are very high as lots of investment goes into initial infrastructure and getting initial customer support. Credit facilities to tour operators and other agents supplying customers result in cash flow issues which very often cannot be supported by new entrants as they rely heavily on loans. 3.2 Availability and substitutes The substitutes exist when the alternative product with lower price and better performance for the same product. Likewise the Kohinoor provides the spa at the low cost compared to KHIL which reduces the potential sales volumes of KHIL. There are a lot of price variation between KHIL and the Kohinoor hotel service, which leads customers to feel that KHIL is at times over priced. The Kohinoor have various rates and tariffs, a good brand image and the hotel chain currently operating different services like spa, boatels, resorts, city center and heritage hotels. 3.3 Bargaining power of suppliers The suppliers consist of all the sources of input that are needed to provide a goods and services. KHIL has good supplier support but is at a disadvantage against competition as it has a tendency of buying because of the long standing friendship they have with suppliers who supported them initially. Very often this plays against price and quality. Furthermore large quantity items are tendered and bought on price which often plays against quality. 3.4 Bargaining power of customers The hotel industry is a very competitive one and having invested in its fixed assets, hotels want to recoup their investment as quickly as possible. They are ready to offer discounts the whole year to attract and keep customers therefore reducing margins. Availability of substitutes such as the Kohinoor improves the bargaining power of customers and they can put even more pressure on margins and volumes. 3.5 Competitive rivalry KHIL has several good challengers like the Kohinoor, Continental and the Mirador who are competing in similar market with similar offerings. The Kohinoor has 200 rooms, excellent conference facilities, multi cuisine restaurants, bars, health clubs, and 24 hours coffee shop, doctor on call, is situated in the main business area of Mumbai and is close to the international airport. These facilities are similar to KHILs and reason why they are strong challengers. This has the overall effect of reducing both revenue and profitability. 4.0 Pestle analysis Pestle analysis is the useful tool to understand the clear picture of the environment in which the organization lies and to find the opportunities and threats that lies in the environment they can be express as the Political, economic, socio cultural, technological, environmental, and legal factors affect an organizations external environment which in turn affects an organization by offering it either opportunities to progress or threats to regress. it is also used as a generic orientation tool to find out about the organization or the product is in the context of what happening inside as well as outside of the organization. 4.1 Political environment One of the political environments for the organization was the times of India (it is a well known newspaper) by Rachna sigh, Jaipur in a bid to attract the international tourists is gearing up with a host of new properties across the different segments. Some of the industries like hotel and tourisms are the backbone of any competitive world. But government charges a huge tax from the hotels which are stars or are in the luxury category these organizations has an impact with the government or the political changes that occurs. If the government takes even a small steps if affect the hotel industries. Its getting huge incentives and the state governments are supporting them in their development. But now Indian hotels are planning to expand in the economic crunch time. The terror attack on the city (Mumbai) renowed hotels like the taj hotel and the oberios had brought into concerns and facing the hoteliers with a drop in foreign travelers to India i.e. the terror attack is one of the threat for hotel industries. 4.2 Legal factor In recent years, government has brought significant changes to the legal framework to facilitate investment and doing business. Several incentive schemes have been introduced to increase investments. Laws that directly impact on the hotel industry are the Hotel development incentive bill, tax holidays of up to 2 years to new investors in the hotel sector, fairer health and safety laws and less stringent employment laws that were acting as limitations to investment. This has led to a lot of development as investors have easy access to funds and are supported by incentives. These new business friendly frameworks have largely helped groups like KHIL to invest further and adopt expansion strategies. 4.3 Economical environment The India economy hardly suffered from the international financial crisis. This is because the Indian system rests on a controlled and sound financial system in the country. The economic environment includes GDP, interest rates, inflation and exchange rates, economic growth, taxation amongst others and it determines disposable income. While larger number of tourists will flock to India for its beauty, history and heritage, Mumbai the financial capital will keep bringing in business people from around the world therefore offering an incessant flow of customers to hotels like the KHIL group to prosper. 4.4 Social environment Changes in social trends also have an impact on the demand for a firms products and offer. Organizations have to respond by constantly adopting their products to new customer trends and demand. This is what KHIL has constantly been doing especially with its unique feedback system. Feedback from customers has also explains why KHIL has more single room than double rooms. 4.5 Technological environment Indian is one of the most advanced technological nations of the world and businesses are well aware of progress in the field of technology and its enduring impact on processes and the reduction of costs. KHIL has not taken technology on board though most major customized products are valuable. 4.6 Environmental factors The growing desire to protect the environment is having a great impact on many industries such as travel industries. Environment protection creates business opportunities and KHIL is well ahead of competitors in this field. To respect local legislation, all hotels of the group are built after an environmental impact assessment and this creates harmony with the community. 5.0 Swot analysis Swot analysis is the most important tool for audit and analysis of the overall strategic position of business and its environment. Basically it is the foundation for evaluating the strength, weakness, probable/likely opportunity and threats from the external environment. It also views the positive as well as negative factors inside and outside of the organization which affect its success. So these are the four factors applying to the property to know about the property in details the strength, weakness, opportunities as well as the threats of the KHIL hotels. 5.1 Strengths Strength is the qualities which helps an organization to achieve its goals. Generally strength are beneficial aspects of the organization which includes human competence, process capabilities, financial resources, product and service, customer goodwill and brand loyalty. Strength of KHIL Competitively priced for value they offer Situated near the international airport and few kilometers away from the domestic airport Is a very convenient alternative for layover guests are those whose flights have been cancelled or delayed Has preferred partner status with airlines Affordable luxury venue for SMEs for their Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions Highly perceived as a environmental friendly hotel Recognized name for fine cuisine and value for money accommodation Loyal, honest and per formant employees Appeals to local middle class families looking for a night out 5.2 Weakness Weakness is a limitation, or the defect in an organization that will keep it away from achieving its goals. The weakness are of different kind like huge debt, high employee turnover, complex decision making process, narrow product range and large wastage of raw materials. Weakness oh KHIL Situated off the road it may see significant impact on FIT guests (free individual traveler) Fails to handle larger crowds and sister hotel Orchid is no substitute Business centre is to small and no WI-FI zone yet Trailing on technology on its processes and still using Whitney rack system Swimming pool located next to the restaurant plays against privacy 5.3 Opportunities An opportunity is a kind of favorable situation in a firm environment. It is usually a trend or an overlooked need that increase demand for a product or service and allows the organization to enhance its position. Opportunities for KHIL Upcoming cricket world cup jointly organized in India, Bangla Desh, Sri lanka will attract guests Event can be used to showcase of value offered to enhance reputation Bus service or the special cabs for the fans to the stadium in and around the world cup venues Targeting opening in new or developing business hubs like Bangalore 5.4 Threats It is an unfavorable situation which may occur in an organization environment and which may harm the business or its strategy. They are uncontrollable when the threat comes, the stability and survival can be stake. Threats for KHIL Security especially in the wake of terrorist attacks Competitor response from Kohinoor, Continental and Mirador 6.0 Conclusion As each and every organization has strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats the kamat hotel also have these factors but they can find out by doing the swot analysis to the organization to its internal and external factor so that one can obtain it and can control the system in a practical way. It can work according to its objectives by allowing an easy way to attain its profit growth. 7.0 Proposal The KHIL hotels should plan and perform their work to achieve their goals and the information and explanation that are considered are necessary to work on them that they need to improve a lot like increasing the rooms in the hotel because of its they are facing the problems when there is an event in India most of the foreigners visit to India because of lack of rooms its losing its business so if it works on it then it will achieve a great success. These are needed to upgrade to an improved integrated management system as it would help reduce the amount of paper work. It would also reduce the work of night auditor and reception staff as they would not have to verify every bill every time guests checkout.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Procedures For Teaching Grammar

The Procedures For Teaching Grammar Since teaching grammar plays such an important part in language classroom, it is necessary to know what are the approaches to teach grammar as well as the most effective process of holding a grammar lesson. It is because this will help learners study grammar more effectively. About the teaching approach, there are two main types mentioned which are the inductive and deductive one. In deductive, the rule is presented first and the language is produced based on the rule. On the contrary, in inductive, teacher will give students a means to discover the rules themselves. Both of these approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Deductive approach will save time for teacher and be suitable for young learners, whereas the inductive one will be appropriate for learners with basic knowledge of the language. About planning a grammar lesson in classroom, there are several popular models a teacher should know, for example: the deductive PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production), TTT (Test, Teach, Test), ARC (Authentic use, Restricted use, Clarification and focus), TBL (Task-Based Learning) and ESA (Engage, Study, Activate). All models have their own good points and bad points. Among them, PPP is the most widely used model because this model is easy to conduct and can be suitable for teaching isolated grammatical items. It also allows the teacher to arrange the time for each stage accurately and prepare for the unexpected problems that may occur.(BBC, 2005 December 9) Teaching grammar in PPP includes three main stages: presentation, practice and production. Presentation: This stage includes lead-in, presenting form and meaning, giving other examples, conducting repetition of title, model sentences and examples,and finally asking class to copy down lesson. Lead-in: The teacher usually begins presenting with a text in which the grammatical structure appears. The text maybe one or two sentences, or it can be a short dialogue. The teacher may also use pictures or situations to lead into the structure that will be taught. The purpose of lead-in section is to warm up and raise studentsinterest in the lesson. Throught it, students will know how the structure is used naturally in real life. Presenting form and meaning: In this section, the teacher may begin showing the form first and the meaning second or vice versa. This depends on the students. If students prefer grammar explanations at the beginning, the form should be presented first. On the contrary, if students learn a language better by inferring the meaning before the teacher presents grammar explanation, then showing the meaning first is suitable for them. (Dang and Ruiter, 2005, p.86) Whether the form of the grammar point or its meaning is presented first, the teacher should master the ways of showing form and meaning. Doff (1988) mentioned these ways in his book. When presenting meaning, the teacher can show it visually or through a situation. In showing meaning visually, he or she can use objects, the classroom, the students themselves, the pictures to demonstrate the new structure(p.34). Nevertheless, it is not always possible to show the meaning visually. Hence there is another way of showing meaning more naturally. It is presenting meaning through a situation. This situation can be real or imaginary(p.35). The good point of using a situation is that students can become familiar with how the structure is used in everyday conversations. They will feel what they are learning is relevant to real life, and it is also easier for the teacher to use this way. Together with explaining clearly the meaning of the new structure, it is also important to show how it is formed. Doff (1988) showed two basic ways of doing this. First, a clear model should be given and students are asked to listen and repeat two or three times and then the teacher demonstrates the structure quickly. Second, the teacher writes the structure on the board, says it when writing and underlines the fixed parts. Another way is asking the students to tell the teacher what to write. It is an effective way because it involves the whole class in the lesson and focuses their attention to the structure. (p.37) After the teacher has finished presenting form and meaning, he or she continue doing other steps such as: giving other examples, modeling the structure and examples, and finally asking class to copy down lesson. Practice When students have known the grammatical structure, it is neccessary to get them to say the new language accurately and fluently. Therefore, it is important to move to practice stage. The process will go from controlled practice (mechanical) to less controlled practice (meaningful) and finally to free practice (production). Controlled or mechanical practice In this section, learners are often asked to do mechanical drills such as repetition, substitution, word cues, picture cuesetc. These drills completely control the response of students. They are asked to give the only one correct way of responding because these kinds of drills just focus on correct forms rather than meaning. Therefore, mechanical drills are only useful if students practise doing them for a short time. This kind of practice has some limitations due to these three reasons. First, because students do not have to think much when doing mechanical drills, they will easily forget afterwards. Second, teacher can not be sure that whether students understand the meaning of the words or not. Finally, these drills focus only on producing correct forms, therefore students do not know how to use them to express meaning.(Doff, 1988, p.73) Meaningful practice Meaningful practice is also called less controlled practice because there is still little control of response. Less control is because students can give several right answers and these drills are not suitable for doing chorally. This is called meaningful practice because it requires learners to think and understand what they are doing. Some common drills are information gap exercise, mapped dialogue, interview or find someone whoetc. There are three techniques to make meaningful practice: First, teacher can do this by getting students to say real thing about themselves, or teacher can give a situation that implies the structure but let student decide what to say. Also, teacher can let students add something of their own (Doff, 1988, p.75-76) In this stage, in both mechanical and meaningful practice, teacher should check whether sudents make any errors or not so that teacher goes back to the presentation stage and clarifies any problems of understanding or usage. Production Meaningful practice is followed by production (free practice) in which students have a chance to use the strutures to express their own ideas or talk about their experiences. There are two kinds of useful topics. According to Doff (1988), students can talk about real life, for example themselves, friends or anything in the world. They can also imagine a situation which is not real to practise speaking (p.78). In this section, role play and communicative games are often used. Free practice offers students a chance to talk freely; hence, it is in this stages that errors often occur. Nevertheless, teachers should not interupt students to correct their mistakes because the main purpose is to develop fluency and confidence. Important errors can be corrected during giving feedback after this stage. Although PPP model is widely used, it is becoming old-fashioned nowadays and is under threat to be replaced by other ones. There are a number of reasons for this which Mora et al. (2001) pointed out in their book. For one, PPP will discourage risk-taking and the processes of improvisation and experimentation with the language, which are considered as important aspects of language learning. For another, the controlled context in present and practice stage does little help for students when dealing with the natural language outside the classroom.(p.14). Another problem is that in PPP, the grammatical structures which are often chosen in advance by the course book author or the teacher may not be what students like to learn. Hence, students may not feel excited in the lesson; and if they do not want to learn that grammar point, the whole lesson can be a waste of time. Also, when it comes to more complex grammar points, it will be a challenge for teacher to use this model. These are all the reasons why other models are considered to apply in classrooms instead of PPP.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tools in Wide Distribution Computer Forensics in Taiwan :: Technology Computers Essays

Tools in Wide Distribution Computer Forensics in Taiwan Back in the days when all computers are pretty much standalone entities in the world, each unit is self-contained and does not pose much threat. Similarly in politics, when patches of little disgruntle tribal groups here and there are kept in isolation, there was not much threat to a dominating foreign government. However, when the internet becomes available to all computer users around the world, it is like uniting all the little tribal groups under one umbrella and the potential threat is much greater. Now the disgruntled group can pool resources and recruit an army to overthrow the foreign government. The government will react to impose more security measures and bring in more knights and better artillery to maintain order. Similarly, cyber criminals can now have access to the world and can communicate with other criminals across the globe in conspiring against certain institute for whatever purposes. Then internet security communities will impose more secure measures such as network secure configurations (DMZ), honey-pots (traps or bait for the unknowing cyber-criminal), or implement more secure software so that cyber attacks is mitigated. These security measures taken both by the government and the internet security community provide preventive measures, at best. What happens when this line of defense is breached? One can take all the vitamin c to prevent from getting a cold, but what happens on the day when a cold is caught? One goes to the doctor and gets antibiotics and cold medicine to combat the virus; the government will try to bring in more troops to combat the rebellion. However, what of the inter world? That is where computer forensics comes in, to treat/fix the hole and bring the culprit to justice. Therefore, where software security bring forth prevention, computer forensics, incidence response, calls for treatment. What exactly is computer forensics? It is a toolbox of science, which contains tools and methodologies to recover both passwor ds and deleted data, to analyze network traffic and logon/logoff times, to snoop and sniff out, as undercover agents do, rotten apples in the barrel. Due to the nature of each incident, the nature of the case may be legal, political, business, or technical oriented. Consequently, one could gather how much a computer means in people's lifestyles nowadays. Nevertheless, computer forensics team (aka: incident response team) are popping up around the world, due to the global nature of the internet, which makes it a lot harder for local law authorities to oversea and prosecute local crimes executed remotely outside the country.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Effect of Multiple Plots in The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver :: essays research papers

The Bean Trees, written by Barbara Kingsolver, uses multiple plots throughout the novel. At the beginning, two plots are introduced. One involves Missy/ Taylor, the protagonist in the story, and the other involves Lou Ann. Kingsolver unites these two plot by having them move in together. Other minor plots describe the life of other characters such as Estevan and Esperanza, Edna and Virgie, and Mattie. Multiple plots in The Bean Trees increase suspense and depth in the story. The main characters in The Bean Trees are Taylor and Lou Ann. The first chapter is about Missy leaving Kentucky to find a better life. This chapter is written is 1st person, with Missy being the narrator. She is a person that is tired of her boring life, she changes her name to Taylor, and wants an adventure. She leaves home and goes on a road trip across America. Before Taylor began her trip, she stated, ?And so what I promised myself is that I would drive west until my car stopped running, and there I would stay? (Kingsolver 16). She later continued on Tucson, Arizona. On her trip, a baby girl is abandoned with her by a Native American woman. She decides to take care of Turtle as her road trip goes on. Taylor now has someone to talk to during her trip. Unfortunately for Turtle, her life has been ?Tempest-Tossed? (301). In other words, her life hasn?t been trouble-free and she?s gone through many things. It is possible to predict that the bruises on her body when she was abandoned with Taylor, was from being molested. Half her time with Taylor was on the road, and she was adjusting to a new life. The second chapter is about Lou Ann?s dilemma with her husband, Angel. This is written in omniscient limited point of view. Lou Ann and Angel have a young baby boy, Dwayne Ray. These two plots meet when Taylor responds to Lou Ann?s advertisement about a room mate, and they move in together. This gave the novel a unique introduction with two plots going on as the readers endure the suspense. The novel seems to be set in one tiny area in Tucson. Lou Ann is heading home and has just pasted the Jesus.Is.Lord?s and Fanny Heaven, when the narrator creates a clear picture of the area: ?She rounded the corner and stopped to do some grocery shopping at the Lee Sing Market, which faced the park directly across from where she and Angel lived?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Scientific Solution to the Whaling Problem

Science faces a dilemma when it comes to consider the breakdown of society in the face of technological advance. The situation is even more difficult when science takes the environmentalist stance and then finds itself in opposition to native culture, which it also wants to preserve. Anthropological studies have shown that many cultures around the world are integrally linked to whaling, both economically and culturally. But now that whales are facing extinction, the scientific community must make a decision as to which is more worth preservation, native human cultures, or the population of whales. In my opinion, science should support the latter cause. It is an accepted tenet of modern life that technological advance breaks down old modes of social solidarity, and introduces new forms of connectedness. These new spheres of connection bypass locality and ethnicity, so that the tendency is towards a global culture and economy. What seems to be initially a cultural loss is not so, for culture is evolving in step with technology. However, the extinction of whales is a true and final loss. In 1999 the international whaling commission lifted its moratorium and allowed the Makah Indians of Washington State to hunt whales for the first time in 70 years. Charlotte Cote, a descendant of whaling Indians, enthuses over the decision, and describes how whaling has â€Å"reaffirmed their identity as a whaling people and providing a symbol for tribal resiliency, adaptability, and cultural survival† (2006, p. 177). However, Richard Caulfield, who has carried out extensive research into the whaling tribes of Greenland, opines that we cannot view these cultures in isolation, and these people have always retained links to mainland Europe. The recent speed of technological advance has only intensified these links. It is obligatory, therefore, that the remote whaling communities collaborate with the international community (Nuttall 1998, p. 831). The best role for the scientific community would, thus, be to effect a dialogue between the natives and the international body politic, while carrying out research from both points of view.

Resume Example

With 18 years experience as a Cosmetologist, 13 + years as Brand Manager/Director of Education dedicated to protecting the health of citizens. Results of investigating problems and complaints of consumers led to the development of educational programs based on preventative techniques. Health, safety, and sanitation are the primary focus and goal practiced in both my education and occupation. I have excellent relationship building skills, highly effective at communicating work efficiently alone, and a motivated team player.As a chemistry and microbiology student independently investigated 6 + moon bedroom illnesses by designing, analyzing samples, reviewing scientific data from multiple forms of media, and reporting the results. This led to an awareness and in-depth study on methods used to sample products, the nature of bacteria, a variety of media and tests used to analyze and identify, and how to give detailed reports both written and orally. Designed study and lab experiments perf ormed by investigating sources of bedroom illnesses such as Colostomies botulism.Appropriate sampling techniques such as swabbing were used to obtain bacteria from food sources, oil, and a variety of other raw materials. The bacteria were grown and cultured on Agar plates and later Gram Stained in order to identify the gram positive bacteria seen with a microscope. Each type of bacteria sampled and analyzed required investigating sources, proper sampling techniques, growing the bacteria, and properly identifying each colony. This led to detailed lab reports regarding all aspects of the investigation, methods, techniques, and results.Developed analytical problem-solving skills, strong time management and organizational skills, maintained detail orientated records and data while monitoring time and temperature sensitive bacteria. This allowed for accurate information to be communicated with the team orally and in written form. As a dietetic student I managed a group of 6 students and 12 kitchen staff in the planning, preparation, and serving of a theme meal for 1 00 + students and faculty. The emphasis of food safety and sanitation resulted in D incident of injury or illness.Negotiated theme meal plan with team a of 6 students and 2 kitchen management staff. Communicated and designed flow charts for all students and kitchen staff to ensure all tasks were accomplished individually and as a team. Led team to practice high standards of food safety and sanitation in the preparation of each product used according to specific guidelines provided by the National Restaurant Association and FDA Food Code. These standards were met by implementing and monitoring use of thermometers and notations made on time.This resulted in healthy yet creative dining experience that successfully served over 1 00 consumers in a safe and sanitary way. Ability to analyze and report through effective communication skills and educate individuals on essential nutrients. Researched vital role o f vitamins and minerals on overall processes of the body. Developed application strategies of vital nutrients its relevance to supporting life. Analyzed dietary intake of newborns through end of life stages. As a communications student analyzed and interpreted a variety of media, practiced negotiations on civic issues, and advanced my skills in writing and speaking.This has resulted in the ability to be resourceful, build long lasting relationships with mutual understanding and effectively communicate both orally and in writing. Organized and effectively informed fellow students and instructors on a variety of topics such as the importance of community gardens. By researching every aspect of community gardens from soil to harvest was able to help plan and implement a community garden at Mount Mary College. This was initiated by a speech on the benefits of gardening and oral communication with the Dietetics Department Director.Serving as a resource plans were written up regarding the proposed location, preparation Of the soil, plants to be used, maintenance of the soil and plants, harvesting the crops, and distributing the produce. This resulted in implementation of a community garden which is maintained by students and distributed to the detent community as well as local community members. Effectively communicate with a multitude of personalities, views, and statuses as part of a team or leadership role in collaborative and individual context.Ability to compromise and negotiate divergent ideas, conflicts, and relationships through written, oral, or visual messages in multiple formats and contexts while ensuring the message is mutually understood. As a Cosmetologist I assisted well over 1000 people over the past 18 years with technical skills, highly creative skills, good interpersonal skills, effective communication, and time management skills. This led to a 50% increase in retail profits and 65% increase in profit of services. Service orientated with strong p eople skills provides lasting relationships and opportunities to generate new ones.Active listener with good interpersonal skills allows for identifying the needs Of the customer and achieving them through critical analysis of the challenges ahead and critical thinking in relation to logic, reasoning, and approach. Ability to apply theory and practical chemical application using creativity and technical skills. This requires actively gathering information and learning about the use and ingredients of the chemicals while maintaining compliance with safety rules and regulations set forth by the FDA and Cosmetology Examination Board.Maintaining up-to-date and detailed records are required for every service performed. Data obtained from monitored use of each chemical allows for possible improvements in application technique or product and correction in actions taken. As Brand Manager/Director of Education have investigated consumer complaints, written detailed reports pertaining to the results, advocated on behalf of consumers and the company, taught over 1,000 classes. This resulted in improvements in product performance, technique of application, and generated over $200,000 in additional sales within the first year.Assisted in development and implementation of investigative techniques used to attain and resolve customer complaints with relation to product performance. Thorough visual and verbal investigation with detailed data recording of product usage and outcomes allowed for accurately written reports delivered to proper authority. This led to being an active contributor to the team and mission of the company to provide quality products that reform safely and effectively. Managing and leading a team of 12 educators and 65 + sales consultants generated a 45% increase in sales for the company.Ability to oversee performance of educators and sales consultants while assisting them in attaining their goals through advocating for consumer needs as well as safe metho d of product usage. Planned, coordinated, and directed creative marketing plans and events for individual and corporate level establishments. Resulting in achieving sale goals and brand marketing. Demonstrated and effectively communicated a well designed program retaining to the safe and effective use of product and techniques of application.This provided uniform delivery of information to consumers from all educators and sales consultants. Allowing for less confusion and decrease in risk of unsafe product usage. Resulting in desired outcome of product use and consumer loyalty. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Eastern Hair Artists Cosmetologist March 2002 to current As a Cosmetologist I developed and practiced service oriented behaviors designed to assist individuals in attaining a desired outcome by utilizing a variety of techniques, skills, and duties.My duties included continuing education, secretarial jobs, actively learning new technical skills brought out by advancements made in products a nd techniques of application while maintaining compliance with all federal and state regulation. Staying current in technique and product knowledge requires seeking training through the Department of Regulation and Licensing as well as communication with local product distributors. Continuing education hours are accomplished by attending training sessions both online and in a classroom.Online classes provide current sanitation laws required by the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing and Cosmetology Examining Board. Classroom training sessions consist of learning details of product usage and safety precautions through hands on experience working with the products. Secretarial duties include scheduling appointments and maintaining records. Communication skills are used to determine the needs of the customer and schedule the time necessary to perform services while answering any questions the customer may have.Records are maintained in detailed client files provid ing information regarding allergies, medications, services performed, products used, dates of services, processing times and applications. Attaining desired results is a duty that requires careful analysis of data, an understanding of chemicals, analytical thinking, and creativity. By analyzing detailed client profile records the chemicals used to perform the services must be carefully thought out. For example, if a client is allergic to particular ingredients an awareness of what is in the products must be acknowledged and determined as fit or unfit for the service.Analysis of the integrity of the hair and chemical components in a product must also be thought out and determined as fit or unfit for the service. By listening without interruption, interpreting the message, and creating a mutual understanding along with the careful analysis of data obtained creativity leads to the desired result. Taking action to ensure a safe environment is a duty performed by maintaining compliance w ith safety and sanitation regulations. This is accomplished by keeping a sanitary' station with chemical use and storage in compliance with regulation guidelines as well as clean and sanitary tools such as combs and shears.To maintain up-to-date compliance, the Cosmetology Examining Board and Department of Regulation and Licensing web sites roved safety rules and regulations set forth by federal and local government agencies. Four Star Beauty Supply/Nexus Beauty Products Company/Essence Hairier Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 1996-2009 As Brand Manager/Director of Education assisted in investigations, communicated findings of the investigation, advocated for positive changes, and educated others by utilizing a variety of techniques, skills, and duties.My duties included developing and implementing techniques of investigation, maintaining open communication, working as a member and leader of a team, and coordinating events. Duties involved in developing and implementing investigations entailed working with consumers and other regional Management or Directors through written and verbal communication. Careful records were maintained regarding observations, reactions, concerns, and issues encountered by consumers. This was carried out by regular emails, phone conversations, and detailed reports of problems encountered by consumers.Working with the team of Managers and Directors allowed for compiling data that resulted in improving product performance and techniques used to perform services. Once improvements were made or advancements in technique were signed a follow up conversation provided strategies to reconcile consumer complaints. Actions taken to ensure understanding of the strategies designed to reconcile concerns where handled with open communication through email, telephone, and personal appearance.Coordinating and design inning classes for consumers, education team members, and sales consultants required communication with a variety of individuals and est ablishments, booking guest speakers, and overseeing marketing media. Keeping open lines of communication allowed for determining the need to coordinate and design classes that fit needs of consumers in determined areas. Booked appropriate guest speakers by communicating with them in regard to availability and specified topic to be covered. Worked with a team of graphic designers to design marketing materials such as posters and fliers.

Friday, August 16, 2019

I Don’t Even Know

Rebekah Newby March 28, 2013 Psychology Mr. Zeglin Road to Perdition Throughout Road to Perdition, Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development is evident mostly through the Post-Conventional stage in the abstract moral reasoning and quest for fairness by the main characters. Throughout the movie it follows an orphan named Mike Sullivan who’s raised by a crime boss by the name of Jeff Rooney. Mike Sullivan then becomes a hit man for Jeff Rooney. One night while on the job Sullivan’s own son Mike Sullivan Jr. witnesses him doing his job by killing someone.Sullivan makes his son promise to keep what he saw a secret. He then swears that his son will keep the secret and not tell anyone but Rooney’s biological son Connor is not satisfied with this. Connor then goes and kills Sullivan’s wife and younger child. This causes Sullivan to have to make some difficult choices while fleeing Chicago with his son Mike Jr. Right in the beginning of the movie we witness Ko hlberg’s Theory of Moral Development through the fact that Sullivan becomes involved in crime like Rooney.This shows the Conventional stage of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development because the Conventional stage states that in this stage one is more concerned with behaving in their own social roles expected of them by society. Society expects Sullivan to become involved in crime just like Rooney did because Sullivan didn’t really have parental figures and Rooney was his only real parental figure in life. Depending on the way that one looks at it some may argue that this could also be the Post-Conventional stage.The Post-Conventional stage states that in this stage one will go through what they have to go through to get fairness. One could argue that becoming a hit man to protect Rooney could be Post Conventional because Sullivan may feel as though it is fair to do this since Rooney raised him like a son. We can also see the Post-Conventional Stage of Kohlbergâ €™s Theory of Moral Development through the series of bank robberies done by Sullivan and his son.After the killing of his family Sullivan requests help from Al Capone in order to get revenge on Connor. Sullivan is declined by Al Capone and goes on a spree of bank robberies in order to get Capone to release information on Conner’s whereabouts. This is an example of the Post-Conventional stage Kohlberg’s theory because Sullivan is able to think abstractly and is able follow his own moral codes. Sullivan is able to go outside of cultural morals and norms and make his own morals based on the situation at hand.Unlike the conventional stage Sullivan is able to think in the Post Conventional stage and get revenge on those who harmed his family. The Post-Conventional stage of Moral Development is also seen closer to the ending after Maguire shoots Sullivan and Mike Jr. grabs the gun and nearly shoots Maguire. This stage of moral development is post conventional because Mi ke Jr. ’s motivation to kill Maguire is concerned with his quest for fairness and his own moral codes of killing one who kills your family.Some could also argue that this scene shows the Conventional stage where people do what society expects them to do. This shows the Conventional stage because Mike Jr. ’s father was a hit man and had the same moral philosophies. So, as a result of having a father like Sullivan society will automatically expect him to be violent and on a path to crime like other men in his family. However, in the end Mike Jr. goes against this and he exemplifies the Post-Conventional stage by not becoming involved in crime like his father.He shows his ability to think outside of the social norms and social expectations by doing something other than crime like his father and grandfather had done. To summarize, throughout The Road to Perdition, Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development we can see Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development in many ways. We mainly see the theory through the Post Conventional and Conventional stages. We are able to see these stages through the quests for fairness by Sullivan and Mike Jr. We are also able to see it through the abstract moral thinking done by Sullivan throughout the film.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Kindergarten-Full Day Versus Half Day Essay

The sky is the limit for children. The benefits of children attending full day kindergarten are far greater than those children that attend half day. Some parents and educators disagree; they say that children should not be forced into their educational career so young. Whether for or against full-day kindergarten, the common goal for all parents is the well being for each individual child. Every child has different needs and capabilities. Parents have to make an informed decision on full day or half day kindergarten. That decision can be a difficult one. Ultimately that decision is the starting point for the next twelve or more years of education for these young children. Connecticut does not have a law mandating all towns have full day kindergarten. The budget process has to make full day kindergarten a priority. The curriculum for kindergarten is limited during half day sessions for children. Because of the time limitations during half day, these children are getting significant amounts of homework to bring home. Before and aftercare is needed due to the short school day for the half day kindergartners, causing parents to pay for childcare. The most important point is that children’s cognitive learning is so crucial at age five. They can absorb so much information at a kindergarten level. Taking advantage of that will give them the best opportunities for the educational career and give them a head start. Kindergarten was originated in 1837 (Burkam 3). Children develop their mental, social, and emotional faculties through play, music, movement, interaction with the outdoors, and opportunities to engage in independent and creative pursuits (Burkam 3). The goal of kindergarten is to prepare children for first grade academics (Burkam 5). Children show great resilience so can therefore adapt to any formal routine, especially education. We must constructively use this critical stage in their lives to have them absorb all the information they can. Most towns in eastern Connecticut have full day kindergarten except Montville. There is no set standard in Connecticut law for all towns to have at least one full-day kindergarten. East Lyme, Niantic, Norwich, Waterford, Ledyard, and Groton have already established a full day program for kindergarten. Montville being the only town in the surrounding area that does not have a full day option available makes it very difficult to those parents in that town to make arrangements for care of their children. Planning a town budget for full day kindergarten is not as complicated as it may seem. Child care is financed primarily by families, who are estimated to be paying between $40 and $50 billion annually (Mitchell 8). Only a small percentage of those funds being spent could be used for funding all schools with full day kindergarten programs. Demonstrating better ways to increase and combine local, state, public and private sources to finance all types of programs so that they can meet higher standards and that all families can afford kindergarten and preschool education (Mitchell 12). Some educators say the biggest obstacle is hiring teachers. They would need twice the amount already staffed. Splitting up the groups of half day classes and teachers could be a solution to that issue. There would not need to be any additional teachers hired in that case. There is so much for children to learn at the age of five. A full day of learning, social interaction, and play is so beneficial. Research comparing half-day and full-day kindergarten shows those children benefit from a developmentally appropriate, full-day program, most notably in terms of early academic achievement—a foundation for school and life success (Villegas 1). Full-day kindergarten can afford children the academic learning time needed to prepare for mastery of primary-grade reading and math skills (Villegas 1) In particular, the weight of evidence shows that full-day kindergarten benefits children in these ways: contributes to increased school readiness, children that are adapted to full day kindergarten are already prepared for the transition into regular grade level schooling, most importantly, they understand rules and behavior, which leads to a higher academic achievement. Standardized tests and classroom grades find that full day students achieve higher and improve student attendance. There is better attendance in full-day kindergarten due to the parents understanding that there is so much more information and teaching provided during a longer day and does not want their child to miss, supporting a childs literacy and language development has long lasting effects that are greater in children that attend full day kindergarten (Villegas 2). One study showed higher reading achievement persisting through third grade and in some cases even seventh grade (Villegas 1). Enrolling a child in full-day kindergarten benefits them socially and emotionally. Full day gives children a balance of structured play and self play. Being with classmates for more hours in a classroom forces them to build positive relationships. Those relationships last sometimes all the way through twelfth grade. Decreases costs by reducing retention and remediation rates (Villegas 1, 2). One study, which found full day students to be more than twice as likely to remain on grade through third grade, showed that this academic benefit helped to offset 19 percent of the first year’s cost of extending the kindergarten day (Villegas 2). For those children in half-day kindergarten, they need to have before and after care in some families, especially when both parents work full time. If there were full day kindergarten, it would eliminate some of that cost of after care. Due to these children needing to go to multiple places throughout the day for care and schooling becomes the issue of transportation. During a parents work day, that child could be bused to as much as three different locations just for child care. Parents prefer longer kindergarten programs because children have to make fewer transitions within a day and they believe their children will be better prepared for first grade (Mitchell 5). Day care programs are valuable, but do not have the curriculum and equal age structure that kindergarten does. Proponents of full-day kindergarten believe that children, as a result of their various childcare and preschool experiences, are ready for more demanding and cognitively oriented educational programs (Burkam 6). Having group play with children ages 0-5 is not beneficial educationally. Children at age five are at an important learning stage in their lives. The more education they can receive in kindergarten the better prepared for school they will be. Full-day advocates suggest several advantages for the longer kindergarten day: it allows teachers more opportunity to assess children’s educational needs and individualize instruction, it makes small-group learning experiences more feasible, it engages children in a broader range of learning experiences, it provides opportunities for in-depth exploration of curriculum, it provides opportunities for closer teacher-parent relationships, it benefits working parents who may need a longer school day (Burkam 6). Reading, math, science are subjects that are the beginning fundamentals in learning Researchers found that children who attended full-day kindergarten scored higher on reading comprehension and mathematics concepts and applications (Burkam 9). Having more hours in a school day allows teachers to take a more one on one approach for the children to really delve deep into counting, the alphabet, writing, speaking, and so forth. The foundation of learning stems from kindergarten. Cognitive development is the most important issue with having children in a full-day kindergarten program. Kindergarten is more than play and social interaction with peers, this time must be used to take full advantage of a child’s potential in learning. Education should be the first priority and focus in a child’s life. The bigger picture is laying the groundwork for children’s educational experience. The younger the child the more prepared they will be for the future and the most successful in life.