Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Sentences Book of James Essays - Sexual Fidelity, Adultery

The Sentences Book of James What I believe the writers are saying, when stating Love they neighbor is having respect for other people and having regard for his or her needs and desires as I have the same esteem for my personal wants and desires. James believes favoritism, not Gods characteristic, as we know the law of God is perfect, excellent and royal. What makes the law royal is because God is the author. We do not have to break all of the laws of God; if we break only law we have violated and disrespected God. As a Christian it is our duty and most importantly to keep Gods law. The laws of God are to be obeyed and followed. Obedience is vital to our Christian walk with Christ and our faith in God gives the ability to do what God says. When one commits adultery God holds that person accountable. If the adulterer breaks his or her promise they have become deceivers, liars and have lied to God. However, and adulterer can be forgiven of that sin, now as for the adulterers and homosexuals at the Church of Corinth (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Therefore, these are considered serious consequence of human sin, and abominable crime of committing adultery. Jesus is our intercessor, in the New Testament Jesus says, Go and sin no more. These words of inspiration give the sinner a second chance and new beginning.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay on Bullying

Cause and Effect Essay on Bullying Cause and Effect Essay on Bullying In recent decades, one thought of bullying on the college or university level as a form of hazing carried out by upper-classmen on freshmen. Many schools turned a blind eye on the practice, and freshmen simply endured the hazing as a ritual, expecting it to last only for the first year of college. Over time, bullying in colleges and universities has been reduced significantly. This does not, however, mean that our society is bullying-free. In contemporary societies, bullying still takes place, although in different forms. Bullying can take place in schools, at places of employment, and even in neighborhoods, involving adults and children. However, parents often miss the bullying that goes on within their own homes. For instance, younger children face a significant degree of bullying from their older siblings. For example, whenever elder children are assigned some domestic tasks, they entice their younger siblings to do the tasks for them. Should the latter refuse, they are threatened, abused physically, or denied food. The causes of this form of bullying are widespread. Research has shown that families in which there is sibling bullying tend to be low-income. In other words, there is substantial scarcity of basic needs to the point that children literally fight over the meager resources available. Subsequently, the older children will impose a condition on their younger brothers and sisters; that for them to get food, they have to run certain errands for the older ones or perform specific tasks. For fear of being denied a basic necessity, the young children obey. In other situations, bullying is a way of emphasizing one’s seniority or superiority in a particular setting. This is the main reason for bullying in learning institutions. In other cases, bullying can be an indicator of an underlying psychological problem on the part of the perpetrator. For example, a person who is under pressure may decide to release it on the helpless, subordinate individuals around him or her. One major effect of bullying is emotional distress. If the bullying takes the form of physical abuse or threats, the victim may become withdrawn, developing low self-esteem. In itself, lack of self-esteem produces many other undesirable effects. For instance, it can interfere with academic performance and social involvement. It can also cause a general distaste for life. In the latter, it is possible that a person may commit suicide because he or she sees no value in life. On the other hand, bullying may harden the victim, leading to the development of a cruel and callous individual. This might carry over into adulthood, resulting in parents who are extremely harsh on their children and their spouses, as well. Ultimately, it will affect a society in a number of ways that relate to psychological and health issues. Tips on cause and effect essay writing: In order to compose a powerful cause and effect essay on bullying, one needs to generate an outline to guide the development of the essay – select the most important effect that bullying may have on an individual and then determine the primary causes for it. No matter, how in-depth your investigation on this topic is, it is of vital importance to have a general idea of what you are going to write about. This will help you to concentrate and stay focused on the most important aspects of the topic. If you need to buy a professional essay on bullying you can easily contact our professional essay writing service which hires highly qualified writers only to help students online.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Community -oriented plan of care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community -oriented plan of care - Assignment Example Interventions- 1. The community will try an aspirin regimen for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. 2. The community will try Behavioral Counseling in primary care to learn how to promote a healthy diet. 3. The community will screen for high blood pressure in adults. 4. The community will also screen for Lipid disorders in the adults. Community Interventions- 1. The community will attend and participate in Behavioral and Social Approaches to increase physical activity. 2. The community members will try to adapt the methods learned to meet their individual health behavior. 3. The community will attend and participate in various Social Supportive Interventions in community settings. 4. The community will learn how to build and organize campaigns and informational approaches to increasing physical activity to decrease heart disease in their neighborhoods. Activities that community members will learn in Behavioral Counseling 1. The community will learn to talk with others about how they can change their lifestyles. 2. The community will learn how to shop for food in a healthy manner. 3. The community will learn that drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation will decrease heart disease. 4. ... 8. The community will learn about various exercise programs and to find one that works for them. 9. The community will learn how to encourage each other in losing the unwanted weight, 10. The community will learn how to lower sodium in their diets through lectures and practice. 11. The community will learn how to read and understand what is on a food label. 12. The community will also learn how reduce stroke. 13. The community will learn how to keep men interested in their health status. Worksite Programs In the communities’ workplaces they will learn how to increase their knowledge about healthy diet and physical exercise through lectures, written materials either print or online. There will also be educational software available. The workplace can also offer Behavioral and Social Strategies to promote awareness and self-efficacy. They can also offer individual and group counseling to teach these skills and to learn about cue control, rewards, and other reinforcement. They ca n also learn to include all the coworkers and to involve the family members to help build support systems. The worksite can also learn to change Policy and Environmental approaches to making proper healthy choices for their employees and their families. In this part they will learn how to change food choices in the cafeteria and/or in the vending machines. They can also learn how to initiate on-site exercise facilities. Cost-effectiveness Estimates were from three studies One showed two had weight loss One showed that a physical fitness program was started One showed that money varied in what it could cost per person-($1.44 to $4.16 per pound of loss in body weight. Assessment in learning about Heart Disease and how to improve healthy living In learning anything one must have the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical review of using the literature as a research method Essay

Critical review of using the literature as a research method - Essay Example 31). There are however, various drawbacks and benefits of using literature review to conduct a research on some selected topics such as female genital mutilation among other sensitive topics. These will be discussed in this paper. Literature review is vital in that it helps a researcher to get familiarized with methodology, weight and deduction of research conducted by other people on the chosen topic. It helps the researcher familiarize with the problem or need and to express the major aim of the research issue pertinent to the issue. This ensures that the researcher comprehends the wider context to the specific topic, issue or concern and to prevent the duplication of the current research in particular the out-of-date or inconsistent research. The research gets the general overview of the research body with which one is not well conversant with (Cresswell, 2003; p.13). It helps the researcher to position the research in the broader background so that one can make the relevant conclusion which might emerge from the research. Literature review is also very significant since it initiates the researcher to the demerits and merits of the different research methods and methodologies. The main intention is for the researcher to understand intensively the connection between the methods, methodologies and the outcome and to select the most relevant and fruitful methods for the data collected in regard to the issue, problem or need (female genital mutilation). It offers the researcher new ideas and concepts which can be applied in the research to enrich the content, applicability and relevance of the outcome. Another benefit is to familiarize the researcher with the possible effective reaction to the chosen topic, subject or need which other researchers have both made attempts and assessed for their efficiency. The main intention is to assist one to learn from the experience of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Should We Drink Our Milk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Should We Drink Our Milk - Essay Example We are speaking of lactose intolerance in which a person is unable to digest milk and milk products because the body stops producing the milk digesting enzyme called lactase which is essential to break down the lactose in milk. People who retain the ability to drink milk are said to exhibit lactase persistence. Lactase persistence is hereditary. It is therefore evident that to really have a choice of whether to drink milk or not, one has to be lucky enough by birth! The history and pattern of milk drinking also brings many interesting facts to light on the extent of choice in the matter. Lactose tolerance is not a capability that human beings have had all along. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at the University College London (UCL), human beings developed this ability only about 7,500 years ago (Vieru, 2009). So, human beings started drinking milk only very recently in the timescale of their origin and evolution. The first population or communities to have been able to drink milk and digest have been located somewhere between the central Balkans and central Europe. Before that it was generally believed that milk was first drunk about 5,000 years ago northern Europe in a culture known as the Funnel Beaker Culture because of the funnel-shaped pottery with flared rims that they used (Halloway, 2007). That would obviously lead to the question whether their pottery was funnel shaped because it was more convenient to dri nk milk out of them. Whatever be the case, there is no doubt in the fact that it is not culture but genetics that overwhelmingly determines the practice of consuming milk in any community. Accordingly, the annual consumption of milk varies from country to country. In China and Japan in which the lactose tolerant population is very small, the consumption is only about 3.6 kg per person per year; whereas in Ireland and many other countries which fall within the funnel beaker

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of Company Network Models

Analysis of Company Network Models CHAPTER 1 ABSTRACT The purpose of this exercise is to provide a detailed design document as per the requirements given in various formats by the Client NoBo Inc. The scope of this document includes at first explaining the requirements provided by the client, explaining the solution both from a top level view and detailed, also explained are the configuration steps, technologies used and scope of the future work and recommendations. We have used modular design approach for designing the network .The final outcome is a detailed document which will extensively assist in deploying and configuration stages of network for NoBo Designs. CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 AIM: This project aims to analyse the various network models and design a network according to the clients requirements. 2.2 OBJECTIVES: All the Cisco network models: Campus network, Hierarchical network, Enterprise edge model have been reviewed. According to the client requirements the suitable network model has been identified and designed. Proper selection of the devices (Routers, Switches, Computers, cables) has been made to meet the service requirements. The cost for all the devices and equipments that are required has been estimated. Centralised internet connection has been provided for the branch sites from their respective headquarters. This provides high control on the data between the sites. IPsec is cond for data security while using the backup line when the main link goes down. Cisco IOS Firewall is also cond on the perimeter devices. The designed network has been cond on the simulator and all its functioning has been tested. 2.3 DISSERTATION STRUCTURE: CHAPTER 1: This chapter briefly discusses about the abstract of our project. CHAPTER 2: This chapter briefly explains the introduction of our project topic, reviewing all the objectives and ends with the conclusions of each and individual chapter in our dissertation. CHAPTER 3: This chapter explains the background of various network topologies, reviewing of all the concepts like routing, switching, IP addressing and ends with the discussion of the QOS, security issues. CHAPTER 4: This chapter introduces the requirements of network design, implementation, testing and ends with the explanation of all configurations. CHAPTER 5: This chapter briefly discusses about all the experimental results and ends with the analysis of the obtained results. CHAPTER 6: This chapter discusses the entire evaluation of our project and ends with the introduction of conclusions. CHAPTER 7: This chapter briefly discusses about the overall conclusions. CHAPTER 8: This chapter provides the recommendations and future work in our present topic. CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 Cisco Network Models: Network models may change due to the implementation of different technologies which are applicable to us. But the goal of each model is finally same which is convergence and achieving service integration. There are 6 different geographies available in an end-end network architecture which is briefly discussed below: ( Inc., C. S. (Mar2009, Roberts, E. (8/28/95). 3.2 Cisco Hierarchical model: It is an older model which is good for network scalability. The entire network is divided into 3 layers which are given below: Access layer: These devices are generally developed entirely in a network for the purpose of providing clients access to the network. In general it has been done by the switch port access. Distribution layer: In general, these devices are developed as aggregation points for access layer devices. These devices can be used for the dividing of workgroups or some other departments in the network environment. They can also provide WAN aggregation connectivity at various Cisco Network Models. Core layer: These devices are designed for the purpose of fast switching of packets and they should provide the redundant otherwise it results in loss of degradation of service at the time of network congestion or link failures. Finally these devices help in carrying the entire network traffic from one end to the other end. Finally this model provides good scalability and it supports the combination of SONA, other interactive services and these are applicable to any topology (LAN, WAN, MAN, VPN..) or other connectivity options which are applicable to us. The following diagram (3.1) shows us the Cisco Hierarchical model. 3.3 Campus Network Architecture: In last 10 years it has been developed rapidly and the no of services supported in this model are more. The basic structure of this model is just an extension of the previous model. It supports the implementation of various technologies in this model like QOS, MPLS VPN, IPSEC VPN, and HSRP and so on. It provides the network access to campus wide resources and provides layer 2 switching; layer 3 switching at the Access and Distribution respectively. Services in this model are switched from stateless to stateful and provide redundant devices to monitor all the events, connections in a network. Meeting of these requirements requires some changes in its basic model. The following (3.2) shows us the campus network architecture model.( Gilmer, B. (Nov2004) It provides the combination, multi- service environment which gives the sharing and connectivity of all the users who are working at the remote, branch sites. It requires the combination of both hardware and software devices for providing the services and applications to all the clients in a network architecture. SONA architecture helps an enterprise model to extend its services to the remote site under the consideration of good service levels. Cisco Unified Communications, security and so on can be offered at all the branch sites to overcome the problems of inadequate connectivity. The following diagram (3.3) shows the branch network architecture. It plays a major role in the deployment of any network. Now days, it is growing rapidly to implement more SONA functions. These additions of new functions like virtual servers, instant applications, dynamic change of network configurations and so on. Some resources will be added online to get the support of upcoming needs. This network architecture provides the info about on- demand services which provides dynamic network environment to all the users, consolidation of services while growing of various business applications provided by an adaptive network. Finally this network model reports more usage of our capital without any changes in its infrastructure. In general it has been developed for the purpose of higher level security features in network architecture. It has been done by the support of several server farms having different functionality from DMZ (demilitarized zone) functions like DNS, FTP, HTTP, Telnet and so on for all the users (internal/ external) to share various applications and services among partners and to get the access of internet applications. This network architecture is entirely different and it can make a new or it can break the all discussed Cisco versions. Based on the discussion of all the services like SONA, QOS, and transport services and so on which would mandatory in an end- end system? Based on the bandwidth requirements, their functions and providing QOS the WAN/ MAN has been designed. The functioning and geography plays a major role in deciding the method and speed connectivitys among various sites. The cost of total deployment of a network may vary and it is different from each other. If the connection exists between the sites is a traditional frame relay or if it is provided by a service provider. For example, by using MPLS this provides layer three connectivity between two ends. And it also varies by considering the distance between two sites. The convergence of various types of application over an IP network requires good connectivity, high security levels and providing of good services over the large WAN. The following fig (3.6) shows the WAN/ MAN architecture. (Israelsohn, J. (7/22/2004.) In this approach the overall network design and implementation is discussed with the adequate background. Modular Design Approach: The recipe for an efficient and robust network is to design the network taking into Consideration the various functionalities/requirement required by the network and placing that functionality into a module. Various modules might end up acting in independent physical devices or one physical device may contain all the modules, the idea is to visualize the various functionalities acting as independent unit. The part of the network which consists of hardware and configurations for the wide area networks is termed as the WAN module of the network. It should contain of the all routers, interfaces, cabling and configurations that belong to the Wide Area Networks. The module should be designed separate from the other modules. Similarly all the devices, interfaces and configurations that are involved in the virtual private network would be designed as one module. Some aspects of the design for which there are no pointers in the design documents are also discussed in the detail design section with details of the relevant choices. 1) Performance: A network to its end user is as good as how his/her applications perform. Following are few metrics to for measuring network performance. Responsiveness: The design should be such that it is par with the acceptable responsive time of all the business applications. Throughput: The rate of traffic passing through a given point in the network, it can be calculated in multiples of bits per second or packets per second. Utilization: utilization of resources is the most effective metric to calculate the congestion points in the network, aiding the network design to a great extent. 2) Availability: Network Availability is the key factor to a proper network design. Planning for continuous uptime is important for the business to carry out their activities without any interruptions. Following are a few points for availability: Device Fault tolerance: All the devices installed in the network should be of quality and reliable. Where ever possible redundant ports, modules and devices should be installed. Capacity Planning: A network design should consider adequate capacity planning, for example how many connections can a link handle in worst case scenarios. Link Redundancy: As per the business requirement at least all the important links and internet connectivity should be redundant. 3) Scalability: All the network modules should be designed as such that they should cater for future requirements as well as todays needs. Topology: The topology should be designed as such that it would require minimal configuration whenever any major or minor changes are required. Addressing: The network addressing should allow routing with minimum resources. For example by using route summarization and proper ip addressing scheme which would have minimal impact or no impact on the existing networks or subnets and routing mechanisms. Local Area Network Module: The local area network design primarily consists of dividing the various departmental requirements into logical network separations. At all the sites will create individual virtual area networks for all the departments. All the virtual area networks will use a class c /24 subnet mask, reason behind that is the IP addressing used for the internal networks is all private and hence no sub netting is required. All the Vlans at all the sites are local Vlans which means that they do not extend across the wan pipes. The departments at different sites might have similar names and functionality but its always recommended that the Vlans are kept to be local. The Virtual are network will divide the whole LAN into virtual boundaries allowing for broadcast control and provide for access-control using access-lists. A VLAN has been provisioned for the Server Network and wireless network at each site as well. The VLANS are local to the respective sites only and are class C /24 networks.DOT1q trunks have been placed between the layer 2 switches and the routers at each site. DHCP: The DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides automatic IP addresses To the hosts on the TCP/Ip network [RFC 1531].It uses BOOTP known as bootstrap protocol. The DHCP server can be on the same or on a different network away from the host pcs. This is possible with the dhcp relay agent. When a client Pc boots, it searches for the server by sending broadcast packets on the network. When server gets theses broadcast packet it responds and sends a packet with an IP address to the client from the DHCP pool. The client can use the IP or can request for another IP instead. The client can hold this IP as according to the configuration in the DHCP server. The minimum duration for the client to hold the IP address is 8 days. After this period the clients has to make a new request for an IP address. This how , the DHCP usage in the network will reduce the intervention of the administrator from giving the IP addresses manually. NAT: For a Pc to connect to the internet and communicate with the other Pcs on the internet, it needs a public Ip address. One has to pay to have a public IP. It will be very expensive to have all Public IP addresses in a network. So, NAT provides a facility to convert the private IP address to the Public Ip which is on the interface of the device (router) that is directly connected to the internet via ISP. This saves money. Moreover it provides the additional security to the internal network By using the one public address. Following are the benefits that NAT provides: Preservation of IP address IP address and application privacy Easy management Routing Module: The routing module consists of the routing architecture at each site; it is the responsibility of the routers to forward packets to the correct destination. Routers by querying the routing table make the forwarding decision. 1) Static routes: At each site static routes have been placed at each head quarter sites. Static routes are the manual routes that are placed by the network administrator manually in the router and have to be taken out manually as well. At the headquarter site the static routes point to far end headquarter site or to the vpn subnet. 2) Default routes have been placed at all sites, Default routes are treated by the routers as a catch all. If there are no specific routes towards a given destination, the default route will be picked up and the packet would be forwarded out of that interface to which the default route belongs. Since the Internet has more than 100,000 routes , it would be infeasible to place all those routes into our routing table , so instead a default route has been placed at each headquarter to forward all the internet traffic towards the interface belonging to the ISP end. Since we are using the far end headquarter as back up to our internet connections at each site. A special type of default route has been added in each headquarter, if the internet link goes down, the floating route will come into the routing table and the original route will disappear. The floating route is nothing but a default route with a higher administrative distance. This is a feature of Cisco IOS, it originally takes the route with the lower AD and places that into the routing table, if that route is lost it would place the second default route with the higher administrative distance. 3) Routing Information Protocol: Routing information protocol version 2 has been used to propagate the Subnet routing between the sites. RIP is a distance vector routing protocol which advertises its routing tables to its neighbours and has a hop count of 15 , since our network has only five sites at the moment, RIP has been used for routing between the networks , the RIP version2 is the recent version of the rip ipv4 and it can carry variable length subnet masks . The RIP is adequate for our requirement. ( accessed on Dec 12 ,2009) RIP: As said earlier Routing Information Protocol is the only widely used distance vector protocol. It propagates the full routing table out to all participating interface in every 30 seconds. RIP works very well in smaller networks, but it is not scalable for large networks having slow WAN links or on networks with more than 15 routers installed. RIP version only supports class full routing, which essentially means that all devices in the network must have the same subnet mask. The reason: RIP version 1 does not propagate with subnet mask information. RIP version 2 supports classless routing, which is also called prefix routing and does send subnet mask in the route updates. (Chin-Fu Kuo; Ai-Chun Pang; Sheng-Kun Chan (Jan2009,) RIP Timers RIP has 3 different timers which regulate the performance: Route update timer: This timer sets the delay between the propagation of the full Routing table to all the neighbours: this would be normally 30 seconds. Route invalid timer If the router doesnt hear any updates for a particular router for 90 seconds it will declare that route invalid and will update all the neighbours to that the route has become invalid. Route flush timer : After the route has become invalid , another timer starts which is normally 240 seconds ,if the router doesnt hear anything about the said route , it will flush the route out of its routing table and will update the neighbour that I am going to remove this route from my routing . RIP Updates RIP being a distance-vector algorithm propagates full routing tables to neighbouring routers. The neighbouring routers then add the received routing updates with their respective local routing tables entries to accomplish the topology map. This is called routing by rumor, In routing by rumour the peer believes the routing table of its neighbour blindly without doing any calculations itself. Rip uses hop count as its metric and if it finds that multiple path share the same cost to a particular destination it will start load-balancing between those links, however there is no unequal cost path load balancing as there is possible in case of EIGRP. Rip can be troublesome in many ways: Rip actually only sees the hop count as a true metric, it doesnt take care into consideration any other factors So if a network has two paths, the first only 1 hop away with 64 Kbps of bandwidth but a second path exists with 2 hops but each link having a bandwidth of 2 mbps , RIP will always prefer path no 1 because the hop count is less. Rip has a very crude metric and hence not a protocol of choice in many networks. Since RIP by default is classless and is a true distance vector protocol, it also carries with itself same issues as presented by the distance vector routing protocols, fixes have been added to RIP to counterattack such problems. Snort is an open source network based intrusion detection system, it can do traffic logging and intrusion detection analysis on the live traffic, snort is installed on a host and the interesting traffic is copied to it via the port mirroring or port spanning techniques, Snort can be also used inline on an Ethernet tap, it can work in conjunction with Ip tables to drop unwanted traffic. Inter-site Routing: The routing protocol RIP version 2 will propagate routes among all the sites, each Vlan will be advertised as a network in the routing protocol. Switching: The switches at each site carry all the virtual local area networks. 1) A DOT1q trunk has been placed between the switches and the routers at each site. The dot1q trunks carries all the Vlans from the switches to the routers, the routers act as the layer 3 gateway for all the Vlans present in the site, the layer 2 switches alone cannot act as the layer 3 gateways and hence they require some kind of layer 3 device. 2) All the other ports in the switches are either access ports or are trunks to other switches in the same sites. The access ports are the user ports, each access ports would belong to one or the other Vlans. The no of access ports in the building would decide the number and the model of the switches to be placed inside the access layer. Vlan: By Default all the ports on a layer 2 switch belong to the same broadcast domain. The broadcast domains are segregated at the router level, however there are requirements to segregate the broadcast domains in campus switching environments, hence the virtual local area networks are used. The numbers of Vlans in a switch are equal to the number of broadcast domains, the ports on the switch which belongs to a particular Vlan belongs to a certain broadcast domain of that Vlan. Devices in one Vlan cannot connect to other Vlans if there is no layer 3 connectivity provided. Trunking: Speaking of IEEE 802.1Q. There are two different trunking protocols in use on todays Cisco switches, ISL and IEEE 802.1Q, generally referred to as dot1q. There are three main differences between the two. First, ISL is a Cisco-proprietary trunking protocol, where dot1q is the industry standard. (Those of you new to Cisco testing should get used to the phrases Cisco-proprietary and industry standard.) If youre working in a multivendor environment, ISL may not be a good choice. And even though ISL is Ciscos own trunking protocol, some Cisco switches run only dot1q.ISL also encapsulates the entire frame, increasing the network overhead. A Dot1q only place a header on the frame, and in some circumstances, doesnt even do that. There is much less overhead with dot1q as compared to ISL. That leads to the third major difference, the way the protocols work with the native Vlan. The native Vlan is simply the default Vlan that switch ports are placed into if they are not expressly placed into another Vlan. On Cisco switches, the native Vlan is Vlan 1. (This can be changed.) If dot1q is running, frames that are going to be sent across the trunk line dont even have a header placed on them; the remote switch will assume that any frame that has no header is destined for the native Vlan. The problem with ISL is that doesnt understand what a native Vlan is. Every single frame will be encapsulated, regardless of the Vlan its destined for. Access ports: An access port is a port which does not carry any Vlan information, the port which is cond as a an access port, on that port the switch takes off the Vlan information and passes the frame on to the end device, end device be it a pc or a printer or something else has no information passed about the Vlan. A).routing: The routing table in a router is populated mainly in 3 ways. a) Connected routes: router places the networks belonging to all types of its live interfaces in the routing table such routes carry an administrative distance of 0 as they are most trusted routers, these routes are taken out of the routing table if the interface goes down. b) Static routes are routes place manually by the router administrator and carry an administrative distance of 1, these routes are the second most trusted by the router after the connected routes, since these are being added by the administrator themselves c) Third type of routes are installed by the routing protocols and carry administrative distances according to the type of the routing protocol. Wireless local area network Module: A Vlan has been provided at each site which acts as a wireless network, the wireless Vlan connects to wireless access points which provides wireless connectivity to the users. Wireless access points are placed at each floor at all the sites, all the wireless access points will be of Cisco Linksys brands. The wireless access points at each site will be WIFI carrying all a, b or g standard. (O. Elkeelany , M. M. M., J. Qaddour (5 Aug 2004) The wireless networks will use WPA2 key security mechanisms to protect the network from unauthorised access and attacks. Proper placements of the wireless access points can be done after a physical inspection of the sites. If a barrier wall or something else obstructs the coverage of the wifi access points at a floor another wifi access point will be required at the same floor. IP Addressing Module: WAN Ip addressing, all wan connections are point to point and use a /30 subnet mask A /30 subnet only allows for two actual hosts which fits for the wan connections. VLAN Ip addressing, all the Vlans including the wireless and the server Vlans are /24 networks All the future Vlans should be /24 as well, this would help to limit the layer3 broadcasts to only 254 hosts, /24 is being used because our Vlans are all based on class c private addressing and there are adequate addresses in the same class for our future needs as well so there is no actual requirement to subnet any further, sub netting further would actually make the design complex without any real benefits. The routers also have a trunk which comes from their respective site switches. The 1st valid address of the each Vlan belongs to the router acting as a gateway to the Vlans. These .1 addresses are required to be hardcoded inside the routers themselves. The host addressing is taken care by the dhcp protocol, each router as its site will act as a dhcp server for all the Vlans present in the same site. The router acting as a dhcp server would provide gateway information to the hosts in each Vlan as well as the dns servers to be used and the domain information as well. A separate list has been maintained for the hosts outside the dhcp scope, should there be a requirement that a host be provided a static Ip address, and the same Ip address should be added to the list of non dhcp addresses for each Vlan at each site. Server Farm Module: A special virtual area network is in place at every site for a special purpose, this vlan only has servers placed in it, this Vlan acts as a DMZ at all sites. The servers at various sites are placed in separate Vlans to protect them from the broadcasts created by the users in the site as well as blocking unauthorised access. If the requirement arises that a server should also be placed in another Vlan at same time, either 2 network cards should be attached to the same server and each placed in the respective Vlan, if the server is required to be attached to more than 2 Vlans, then the server should carry a special network card which could build trunks with the 2960 switches. The speed and duplex modes on all the server ports should be manually cond by the network engineers as there are chances of duplex mismatch in the auto mode. Unauthorised access can be blocked into the server farm via using IP access-lists feature of the Cisco IOS.( Zhuo L , W. C., Lau FCM . (OCT 2003 ) Security Module: This is the most important module of the network design, as its name suggests it would cater for the network security, following are the security measures in place for the network designs. An integrated Cisco IOS firewall protects the perimeter interface (internet connection) from attacks from the outside world at both the headquarter sites; IOS firewall uses stateful inspection for the protocols listed in the firewall itself. As advised earlier the access to the server Vlan at each site is also controlled by the use of IP access-lists, only authorized IPs/networks and that too only on specific ports are allowed to traverse the DMZ(DEMILITARIZED ZONE). There are perimeter access-lists in place at the headquarter sites blocking most common and known attacks from the internet. The internet modules have been centrally designed to keep a tighter control and strict security. An additional measure of security can be placed at each site by adding an intrusion prevention system to each headquarter. A very effective intrusion detection engine is SNORT, being open source it can be installed in a very short period of time and is free. Further management Vlan can be secured by using port security and sticky Mac mechanisms. The Cisco IOS firewall is an EAL4 certified solution and is a stateful firewall, it is integrated into Cisco router IOS, IOS is the best available routing, security and VoIP software around, and integrating a stateful firewall produces an economical yet flexible solution. It is the ideal solution for small offices, branch offices and wherever the need arises for an embedded firewall solution. The Cisco IOS firewall can be turned on and off in the desired manner on the desired interface in the Cisco router Cisco IOS firewall can be cond in basically two modes, Classic firewall also known as CBAC control based access control or the new configuration technique which is called Zone based policy firewall. The later one is used wherever the network is required to be divided into various zones for example a DMZ zone. The later configuration methodology will be carried on in the future as it caters for the changing needs of networks. WAN MODULE: The Wan connectivity for the NoBo designs has been designed taking in consideration of the following characteristics WAN connectivity: Head -quarters: All the head Quarters have been has been connected via an International leased line from service provider. All the branch-offices are connected to their headquarters via leased lines as well via service provider. Wide Area Network Back up The internet connectivity at both the remote and client sites can be used as a backup in case the primary WAN link is down; a separate site-to-site vpn link will be required to be cond between the two sites. The site to site vpn will use the IPSEC framework which would be only used if the floating routes that are present in the Cisco routers start pointing towards the vpn links in case of the wan link outage. This IPSec vpn back up link should be strictly used as a back up as the internet bandwidth is limited and the latency is high. Network Management mechanisms would notify everyone, if the primary wan link is down. If the requirement for the backup link for a branch site comes up, same methodology can be used, the branch can acquire its own internet connection and use it as a backup link to its respective head office. In that case changes in routing will also occur. IPSec: IPSec is a protocol contains set of features that protect the data which traverses from one location point to another. The location itself defines the type of VPN. The location could be anything such as pc on the internet, a small regional office, a home office or any corp. headquarters. A user on the go would always connect to a user to site vpn and all the others would be called a site to site vpn. The IPSec protocol works on layer 3 and above, like tcp/udp header and data and does not protect any layer 2 frames, a different kind of protection mechanism has to be deployed for the same and also is possible only in the controlled network. The encryption and IPSec are many times thought to be one and the same thing but they are different, IPSec is basically a suite of protocols and one of them does encryption. Following are the features of the IPSEC protocol suite. Data confidentiality Data integrity Data origin authentication<

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Moving Away from Home Can Be Astessful Experience for Young People

Moving away from home can be a stressful experience for young people Nowadays, many young people don’t want to live with their parents because they think if they live along, they can do whatever they want. But maybe few months later, they will find some problems that they never know how to do before because their parents always do everything for them when they are at home. At that time, they will feel stressful. However, I think it’s a good way to teach them how to live by themselves, especially for teenagers. They can’t be dependent on their parents all of their life so they have to learn many things and do many things by themselves. Moving away from home not only can be a stressful experience for young people but can also be a good way to let them learn how to become independent. The other reason that young people will feel stressful when they move away from home is they don’t know many people in the new place or even they don’t know anyone there. When they have something they can’t solve, they don’t know they can ask who or who can help them. They will feel so lonely and upset in the beginning, especially for someone who has nothing is smooth. In conclusion, moving away from home is a stressful experience for young people but also it is a helpful experience to them because they can learn many things by this kind of experience.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

On the black hill family and identity Essay

The fact that they remained bachelors, despite Lewis’ desperate longing for a woman in his life, is also the work of Mary, who, knowing that Benjamin will never want to marry, made Lewis promise â€Å"never to marry unless Benjamin did too†. Lewis is identified by his love of aviation and longing for adventure, but he is tied down by family obligations. He is aware that his life would be different if not for the inescapable bond binding him to Benjamin, stating â€Å"Sometimes, I lie awake and wonder what’d happen if him weren’t there†¦ Then I’d have had my own life, like? Had kids? † Ironically, it is his family that sets him ‘free’ in the end and satisfies his desire for an heir and an adventure. This comes in the form of Kevin Redpath, the twins’ long lost nephew, who comes back to inherit the farm and also give Lewis an opportunity to do what he had always desired, to fly an aeroplane. These â€Å"ten magnificent minutes† completes the missing part of Lewis’ identity, and â€Å"all the frustrations of his cramped and frugal life now counted for nothing†. No other family is described in such detail as the Joneses, but their neighbours, the Watkinses from ‘The Rock’ also shows how a family-style group affects the identities of the individuals in the family. The Watkins family is a rather complicated family, for Tom and Aggie Watkins can not have kids of their own and hence resort to adoption. The Watkinses show that despite having no biological ties, the family environment can also affect the characters and lives of individuals. The Watkins family is a typical poor low-class Welsh family, and the adopted children consist of Jim, Ethel, Sarah, Lizzie and Brennie hence turn out to be uneducated children, â€Å"If anyone said, ‘He was raised at The Rock’ , or ‘She was reared at The Rock’, you knew for sure the child was illegitimate or loony. † This shows that the family environment plays a big part in who they are, and how other people view them. In the end, Sarah, Lizzie and Brennie all marry off and escape from The Rock. Lizzie â€Å"pretended The Rock did not exist†, and while Sarah still kept an eye on The Rock, â€Å"her one great fear was of lapsing into poverty†, clearly a fear born out of her experience of childhood poverty. Lizzie and Sarah are examples of the opposite way which family can affect children; instead of falling into the patterns of the family themselves, the children choose to escape and fear these patterns. This opposing respond to family pattern is also evident in David Malouf’s Fly Away Peter, where Jim Saddler fears of inheriting his father’s ‘savagery’ and tries to keep it â€Å"at arm’s length†. On the other hand, Jim’s biological children seem to inherit his traits. For example, Ethel’s son Alfie was identified as Jim’s son for â€Å"the lad had Jim’s carroty hair and cauliflower ears†. Alfie also â€Å"grew up simple†, the result of inheriting the combination of both Jim and Ethel’s mental disabilities. As the novel progresses, Jim has another child, this time Mrs. Musker’s. His daughter Meg is even more like him; she grows up to share his love for animals, mistrust of outsiders. She even speaks like him, and clings to The Rock with fierce determination and optimism. Like the twins, Meg’s identity is shaped greatly by her parent, and she continues his way of life even after his death. The Bickerton family is one of the more minor families in On the Black Hill. A high-class English family, the Bickertons owned the Lurkenhope estate and hence was possibly the most powerful family in the village. In contrast to the Watkinses, the family environment of the Bickertons is wealthy, refined, and educated, and hence the children of Colonel and Mrs. Bickerton, Reggie, Nancy and Isobel, are naturally identified as figures of the higher class. As a result, Reggie grows up to be an arrogant and overly-confident young man and went â€Å"to war with a head full of chilvaric notions of duty to caste and country†. These â€Å"chilvaric notions† are most likely the influence of Colonel Bickerton, who has been persuading all young men to fight for their country. Even after coming home crippled, he â€Å"made light of his injuries with upper-class stoicism† and his high-handed treatment of Rosie Fifield shows that his arrogance hasn’t changed. On the other hand, his sister Nancy Bickerton shows traits of Mrs. Bickertons; like the way her mother seeks companionship in Mary, Nancy is bored by the gentry and finds great pleasure in the twins’ visits. Even the way she offers tea to the twin reflects her mother’s; â€Å"China or Indian? † Nancy is hence another example of an identity shaped by her parent and upbringing. Thus the identity-shaping forces of family are quite evident in the families of On the Black Hill. These are clearly portrayed through the characters of the Joneses twins Lewis and Benjamin, whose identities and lives are clearly shaped by their order of birth, their roles in the farm and the house, the traits they inherit from their parents, their upbringing, as well as their bond to each other. Their way of living even after the death of Amos and Mary reveal how the impact of these family dynamics can last forever, also portrayed through the way Meg or Nancy each inherit their parents’ traits and behaviours. On the other hand, these impacts can also have an opposite effect, as shown by Lizzie and Sarah in the way they try to fight against the Watkinses’ family pattern of poverty-stricken lives by leaving The Rock. Through On the Black Hill, Chatwin patently demonstrates the relationship between one’s identity and family, reinforcing the notion that our families make us who we are today. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Beware of the Irregular Past Participle Forms

Beware of the Irregular Past Participle Forms Beware of the Irregular Past Participle Forms Beware of the Irregular Past Participle Forms By Maeve Maddox When reading articles on the web, especially those on personal blogs, if I see one grammatical error I hesitate to be too critical. Typos happen. When I see the same error a second time, I sense a problem. Here are examples of the same error that occurred in two separate posts on the same site. They really stood out because overall the blogger was writing standard English. Ive began to feed she has began disciplining Television dins incorrect forms into our ears every hour of every day, and not many teachers outside the English classroom insist that their students speak a standard dialect at school. Errors with the few remaining English irregular verbs are bound to proliferate. The most common errors with irregular verbs occur with the past participle form. The past participle is the form of the verb that is used with the auxiliaries has, have, and had. The usual error is that the writer or speaker uses the simple past where the past participle is called for. Most English verbs form the simple past and the past participle by adding -ed to the simple present, but about 150 common English verbs do not. More than half of these irregular verbs do not present a problem with the past participle because its the same as the simple past. For example: fight fought [have] fought find found [have] found cling clung [have] clung feed fed [have] fed That leaves 65-70 irregular verbs whose past participle form is different from the simple past form. For example: go went [have] gone begin began [have] begun see saw [have] seen Most ESL sites include alphabetical lists of common irregular English verbs. If youd like to see a breakdown of the irregular verbs according to the form of the past participle, Ive categorized them on my AmericanEnglishDoctor teaching site: Category One: simple present, simple past, and past participle all spelled the same: Ex. cut cut cut Category Two: simple past and past participle spelled the same: Ex. find found found Category Three: past participle different from simple past: Ex. begin began begun Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and NumeralsA While vs AwhileEducational vs. Educative

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Profile of Emilio Jacinto of the Philippines

Profile of Emilio Jacinto of the Philippines   Whether their skin be dark or white, all human persons are equal; one may be superior in knowledge, in wealth, in beauty, but not in being more human. - Emilio Jacinto, Kartilya ng Katipunan. Emilio Jacinto was an eloquent and brave young man, known as both the soul and the brain of the Katipunan, Andres Bonifacios revolutionary organization.  In his short life, Jacinto helped to lead the fight for Filipino independence from Spain.  He laid out principles for the new government envisioned by Bonifacio; in the end, however, neither man would survive to see the Spanish overthrown. Early Life Not much is known about Emilio Jacintos early life.  We do know that he was born in Manila on December 15, 1875, the son of a prominent merchant.  Emilio received a good education, and was fluent in both Tagalog and Spanish.  He went to the San Juan de Letran College briefly. Deciding to study law, he transferred to the University of Santo Tomas, where a future president of the Philippines, Manuel Quezon, was among his classmates. Jacinto was just 19 years old when news arrived that the Spanish had arrested his hero, Jose Rizal.  Galvanized, the young man left school and joined with Andres Bonifacio and others to form the Katipunan, or Highest and Most Respected Society of the Children of the Country.  When the Spanish executed Rizal on trumped-up charges in December of 1896, the Katipunan rallied its followers to war. Revolution Emilio Jacinto served as the spokesperson for the Katipunan, as well as handling its finances.  Andres Bonifacio was not well-educated, so he deferred to his younger comrade on such matters.  Jacinto wrote for the official Katipunan newspaper, the Kalayaan.  He also penned the official handbook of the movement, called the Kartilya ng Katipunan.  Despite his young age of just 21, Jacinto became a general in the groups guerrilla army, taking an active role in the fight against the Spanish near Manila. Unfortunately, Jacintos friend and sponsor, Andres Bonifacio, had gotten into a heated rivalry with a Katipunan leader from a wealthy family called Emilio Aguinaldo.  Aguinaldo, who led the Magdalo faction of Katipunan, rigged an election to have himself named president of the revolutionary government.  He then had Bonifacio arrested for treason.  Aguinaldo ordered the May 10, 1897 execution of Bonifacio and his brother.  The self-proclaimed president then approached Emilio Jacinto, trying to recruit him to his branch of the organization, but Jacinto refused. Emilio Jacinto lived and fought the Spanish in Magdalena, Laguna.  He was seriously injured in a battle at the Maimpis River in February of 1898, but found refuge in the Santa Maria Magdalena Parish Church, which now boasts a marker noting the event. Although he survived this wound, the young revolutionary would not live for much longer.  He died on April 16, 1898, of malaria.  General Emilio Jacinto was just 23 years old. His life was marked with tragedy and loss, but Emilio Jacintos enlightened ideas helped to shape the Philippine Revolution.  His eloquent words and humanist touch served as a counter-balance to the blunt ruthlessness of revolutionaries such as Emilio Aguinaldo, who would go on to become the first president of the new Republic of the Philippines. As Jacinto himself put it in the Kartilya, The worth of a person is not in being a king, not in the shape of his nose or the whiteness of his face, nor in being a priest, representative of God, nor in the loftiness of the position he holds on this earth.  That person is pure and truly noble, even though he was born in the forest and knows no language but his own, who is possessed of good character, is true to his word, has dignity and honor, who does not oppress others nor help their oppressors, who knows how to feel for and care for his native land.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Property Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Property Law - Case Study Example It certainly is true that the legal owner has the sole right to dispose of any fixtures to another party. Nonetheless this is not the same thing as meaning that the 'purchaser' of kitchen cupboards obtained under a subsisting hire purchase agreement would also have the same rights, since whilst s/he might romantically think of the chattel as 'belonging to' him/her upon receipt of it, under English law, legal title does not pass until the final repayment is received by the finance company. However, the chattel may not belong outright to the person in possession, particularly where the possessor has only a limited right to the land; for example the widow of a man who died intestate may be allowed to live in the property but not to dispose of contents left in a statutory trust for her children under 18. What is the situation if an ex-tenant of a shop has to leave parquet flooring she had installed at her own cost Would the landlord instantly be able to claim that it was a fixture, and therefore s/he was entitled to keep it, in the same manner a mortgagee of land has a better right to fixtures than the owner or other creditors The older cases in this area suggest that the courts know that in certain circumstances it would be grossly unfair for a landlord to benefit in this manner, not least because it would discourage tenants from improving and maintaining the property.1 For example, seventeenth century law recognised that trade and ornamental fixtures could be removed during or at the end of the tenancy.2 However, one must keep such decisions in context - the world was a very different place then, and there was not welfare state to lift one from penury in the event of bankruptcy. Contrary to the Grays' viewpoint it is herein submitted that this has never been the conventional jurisprudential view. It was - and remains - an exception to the general rule. The burden of proof remains on the original person in possession to prove that the chattel was not a fixture. Defining a Fixture The determination of whether a chattel was a fixture was generally understood to turn on the 'intention' at the time the chattel was affixed to the land. The rationale for this reading of the case law is that the only purpose the tenant had at the time of affixing the chattel to the land was the intention to use and enjoy the chattel. This view makes good sense - particularly in the burgeoning sectors of commercial leasing or renting of realty, where often the fixture itself is owned by someone else (such as shop-fittings, satellite dishes or a fitted bedroom under a hire purchase agreement). However, the earliest cases considered the degree or extent of physical annexation to be more significant. Blackburn J in Holland v Hodgson (1872) gives a sound definition of the 'objective test' of a fixture under English law at the time: "Perhaps the true rule is, that articles not otherwise attached to the land than by their own weight are not to be considered as part of the land, unless the circumstances are said as to shew that they were intended to be part of the landon the contrary, an article which is fixed to the land even slightly is to be considered as part of the land, unless the circumstances are such as to shew that it was intended all along to continue a chattel."3 The Court gave examples of fixtures which would not be considered to be attached to the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Math Early Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Math Early Childhood - Essay Example It has voice instructions that guide users on what to pick before they touch the visible balloon for the bee to set off. Available at, this application is intended for early year teaching of math with the target age bracket being children between 1-6 years. It has shapes in both 2D and 3D and numbers between 1and 10 with numerous colourful flash cards to help children learn better through the stages. The app incorporates basic concepts of object comparison to help understand measurements among the target group. With the visible 3D shapes, kids can differentiate between the objects left and those taken to help develop their addition and subtraction skills. Also available at, it has won several awards among the 2011 Silver Award by the Parents’ Choice Foundation. It invites kids to learn how to count, add subtract and sort in a park setting with its target users being between the ages of 1and 6 years. It has seven fun learning activities that start with swing numbers that help in counting rabbit swings up to 50, slide additions where a duck climbs on top of each slide as the user counts thereby learning how to make additions, Apple tree for subtraction where users learn how to subtract as Apples fall from a tree and picnic for counting where kids feed a hippo with the right food items just to highlight a fraction of the activities. The application has sufficient details with the all the required elements of a good app from the results of the evaluation. It has both operational variety and interest that stir user curiosity. The evaluation tool therefore awarded it optimum points with regards to accessibility, content and individualization. The three applications have a similar target group of between years 1 and 6 with the distinction n the mode of learning where the first app employs a bee and balloon, second uses shapes in 2D and 3D while the